If Your City's Well Water Has Chemical Pollutants, Then What�
Synthetic organic chemicals, especially certain solvents, are showing up in groundwater all over the U.S. and in many other industrial countries as well. These substances, some of which...
Rocky Mountain Arsenal: Landmark Case of Groundwater Polluted by Chemicals
For more than 20 years, the Army's Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver has been dealing with groundwater pollution caused by chemical warfare agents and pesticides. The arsenal...
Thermal Destruction Options for Controlling Hazardous Wastes
Incineration will play an increasingly important role in the management of hazadous waste in the United States. Properly designed and operated incineration systems are capable of destroying...
EPA Moving to control Industrial Toxic Pollutants with New NPDES Permits
To date, the main thrust of the nation's water pollution control program has been to abate traditional pollutants (biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, and heavy...
Industry Challenges EPA on Whether Certain Wastes are Hazardous or Not
Before the U.S. can clean up its hazardous wastes, it must first decide which wastes are hazardous, which not. The case histories presented here show that this decision is not always easy...
Four Options for Hazardous Waste Disposal
Landfills, land treatment, mine storage, and deep well injection are four options examined as solutions to the hazardous waste disposal problem. Statistics indicate approximately 40 million...
Will EPA'S Nationwide Urban Runoff Study Achieve Useful Results�
Approximately 30 studies are now underway across the United States as part of the Nationwide Urban Runoff program (NURP) to evaluate the water quality significance of stormwater drainage...
CE Computing Basics: Highway Vertical Profile Program
A program is explained step-by-step which can reduce the computation time involved in writing a highway vertical profile computation program. The program is written in BASIC. Once the...
NYC Convention Highlights - Part II
More highlights from ASCE's International Convention held in New York City this past May are presented. (See CE, 8/81 pp. 68-9, 74-5). Among the topics discussed are, the...
New Uses For Soil-Cement
Since 1961, the use of soil-cement in energy and water resource projects has increased from 51,000 yd� to over 9,100,000 yd�. Its primary applications are erosion protection and seepage...
Resolving International Construction Disputes by Arbitration
Arbitration as a means of settling construction disputes is increasing. It can be particularly useful in international disputes, where parties often seek to avoid litigation in foreign...
Value Engineering Cuts Highway Costs
The Oregon State Highway Department's experimental Value Engineering team examined over 40 highway projects in a search cost savings without sacrificing quality. While the...
Synthetic Fabrics for Reinforced Embankments
Non-woven permeable synthetic fabrics have been used in engineering applications for the last ten years. Considerable research has been conducted throughout the world since the first geotechnical...
RPI's Mighty Goal: To Help Rejuvenate American Industry
During the past few decades, many U.S. engineering schools have become obsessed with engineering science and have seemed to lose interest in practical, industrial problems faced by American...
Engineering�� As If People Mattered
The drive toward analytical precision, scientific sophistication, economic efficiency, and materialistic achievement, and the movement away from the humanist perspective is a current pitfall...
Is The Computer Program Giving Correct Answers�
As computer use mushrooms, more and more operators find they lack confidence that the computer is generating correct output. The author, a creator of computer software, offers several...
NYC Convention Highlights�� Part III
The final installment of the highlights from ASCE's International Convention held in New York City this past May is presented. (See CE 8/81,pp.68-9,74-5; 9/81, 93-6.) The...
Flood Consideration for Sanitary Structures
An approach is presented to determine the design basis flood for Sanitary Structures and means to protect them. Flood and flood frequency are defined. Principal classes of flood are evaluated...
Swiss Bridge Design Spans Time and Distance
Having long played crucial roles in Switzerlands history, modern bridges there now lead technical innovation in design and construction. Two recently completed Swiss Bridges bridges of...
Transportation Innovations that Would Banish America's Energy Crisis
Despite the current oil glut, the energy crisis is still very much with us. Within the next few decades, the U.S. will nearly exhaust economically recoverable petroleum. The key to solving...
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