New Analysis Techniques for Structural Masonry
These seven papers on analysis of structural masonry that constitute this Proceedings were presented at a technical session at the ASCE Structural Engineering Congress held at Hyatt Regency...

Reducing Failures of Engineered Facilities
One of the most serious problems of modern professional practice is the collapse or malfunction of an engineered facility. The tragic consequences of this problem are all too familiar...

Fracture Problems in the Transportation Industry
Six cases of damage tolerance assessment are presented, involving structures or vehicles in the U.S. transportation industry. Damage tolerance means arranging design, maintenance, and...

Advances in the Art of Testing Soils Under Cyclic Conditions
The session on Advances in the Art of Testing Soils under Cyclic Loading Conditions was organized by the Soil Dynamics committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers in an endeavor...

Seismic Experience Data?Nuclear and Other Plants
The Seismic Qualification Utilities Group (SQUG) was formed to explore the use of earthquake experience data of equipment performance to resolve Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) initiated...

Slashing Tunnel Costs
The second U.S. application of the New Austrian Tunneling Method at Washington D.C.'s Metro system is described. The innovative method has been used overseas, but American...

Advances in Short Span Steel Bridges
Applying recent research to the design of short span steel bridges can lower their cost and maintenance. Such research involves improved limit state criteria, more uniform lateral load...

Predicting Sinkhole Collapse
Sinkholes erupt when a cavern or opening in the limestone rock below opens up to the surface. Florida's sinkholes have received most U.S. attention recently, but sinkhole geology is found...

Slurry Walls Protect Harvard Square
Harvard Square Station, Cambridge, Mass., had to be rebuilt when Boston's Red Line Subway was extended further out to the suburbs. For the first time, tied back slurry walls...

Beam Analogy for Vertical Curves
The vertical curve is analyzed as a moment diagram for a uniformly loaded single beam with a concentrated moment at one end. This contributes some flexibility in approach, and enhances...

Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements in British Columbia, Canada
Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) pavement is an outgrowth of the traditional cement-treated aggregate base (soil-cement) method of street and highway construction. The major use in British...

Establishing Patterns of Building Failures
Establishing statistical patterns of building failures can help engineers and architects prevent similar failures in the future and also reduce litigation. The Architecture and Engineering...

1986: The Year of the Connection
It is proposed that 1986 be designated the Year of the Connection and that the American Society of Civil Engineers take a leading role in overcoming problems now associated with structural...

Fluid/Structure Interaction During Seismic Excitation
Hydrodynamic loading and other fluid/structure interaction effects need to be considered in the design of structures which contain, surround, or are submerged in fluids when subject to...

Reinforcing Roof Truss Frames Under Load
Without altering the roof structure of an industrial boiler plant, a long-span steel truss frame was modified in place to support heavier loads. The owners of an industrial boiler plant...

High Rise Design: Accounting for Column Length Changes
In the late 1950's and early 1960's, the height of concrete buildings jumped from 20 to 60 stories. During the same period, architects introduced the use of exposed...

Application of Methods of Probabilistic Characterization of Soil Properties
The use of probabilistic methods to describe soil properties has many applications. One such application that has been developed is in the area of probabilistic slope stability analysis....

Coefficient of Variation of In Situ Tests in Sand
For a research project on the behavior of piles in sand for the United States Geological Survey and the Federal Highway Administration, ten sites were selected where detailed load tests...

Building Failures�Construction Related Problems and Solutions
A leadership group of representatives from the fields of structural design, construction, building inspection, the law and insurance agreed that if five changes are made in the way building...

LAX Takes Flight for the 1984 Olympics
LAX (the Los Angeles airport) had over two dozen contractors working on site to complete their $700 million improvement plan in time for the Olympics in July. They also came up with several...





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