River Clean-Up Plan Developed with Citizens and Industry
In Wisconsin, a group of citizens has worked closely with industry and professional water quality planners to develop a plan to make a once polluted river fishable/swimmable. This plan,...

The Long Road to Regulatory Reform
A brief report on ASCE's actions to encourage the regulatory reform movement in Washington. Included are the resolution as accepted by ASCE's Board of Direction,...

Duluth Sanitary District First in U.S. to Take Charge of Both Sewage and Refuse
The Western Lake Superior Sanitary District, serving Duluth, Minnesota and its suburbs, is the first sanitary district in the U.S. to be responsible for both wastewater and municipal refuse...

Republic Steel Recycling Over 85% of Wastewater from Steel Mill
At its hot-rolling mill in Canton, Ohio, Republic Steel is recycling over 85% of the wastewater it produces. The wastewater contains suspended particles of scale and oils and greases....

Birth of the Synthetic Fuels Industry
The U.S. is now in the early stages of creating a synthetic fuels industry, a much needed step to help to decrease America's dependence on foreign oil imports. Synfuels refer...

Regulations Complicate Land Reclamation in the West
The 1977 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act provides necessary protection to land during and after strip mining. However, according to the coal industry, some of the regulations...

Efficiences of Advanced Waste Treatment Obtained with Upgraded Trickling Filters
Many or most cities and towns, and particularly the smaller ones, still use trickling filters in their wastewater treatment plants. The process is economical and reliable, but unfortunately...

Japan as Number One (Book Review)
Japan is world champ in rate of growth of productivity of its economy�� 10% a year compared with 0% currently for the U.S. Any of the reasons for this dramatically different economic performance...

Graduating Engineers: 1930/1980
The life of a graduating engineer entering the world in 1930 is contrasted with that of 1980. Through the use of interviews, the article covers the opportunities, working conditions, salaries...

Environmental Engineering
The 1980 National Conference on Environmental Engineering was sponsored by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineering in cooperation with Manhattan...

Largest Rotating Biological Contactor Plant Also First to Remove Nitrogen
Orlando, Florida is now constructing a new advanced waste treatment plant that removes both nitrogen and phosphorus to a high level. The plant is notable because it is the largest rotating...

USGS Sharpening Water-Quality Management Tools
By 1983, the U.S. will have spent over $83 billion to upgrade treatment facilities to advanced waste treatment. Much of this furious effort will be in vain, won't produce...

Solid Waste Research and Development Needs for Emerging Coal Technologies
The workshop was organized into three topical areas: (1)Solid Waste Characterization; (2)reuse, recycle, utilization; and (3)environmental effects: system design, monitoring, disposal....

1977 Clean Air Act: Cheapest Way to Clean Up the Environment�
What impact is the Clean Air Act of 1977 having on American industry? Is the law the most cost effective way to clean up the nation's air? The power industry dislikes the...

Nuclear Waste Disposal: Is there a safe solution?
Will fission nuclear power play a major role in the American power industry during the next 50 years? Whether or not it does will largely depend on whether the federal Department of Energy...

Will EPA Relax Its Mandatory Secondary Treatment Requirement�
In the Clean Water Act of 1977, Congress said that under some circumstances communities discharging to marine waters might not have to provide full secondary treatment. At the present...

Has Metrication Run Out of Gas�
The U.S. is the only major country not to have adopted the International System of Units (SI) as its official measurement system, but the Metric Conversion Act of 1975 established official...

Industry Upgrades Technician Training
Here is one example where regulations were imposed by industry�voluntarily. The Washington Area Council of Engineering Laboratories, Inc., developed a program to certify technicians testing...

How New Jersey is Handling Its Hazardous Wastes
For many years, environmental agencies have paid little attention to how industry manages and disposes of its hazardous wastes. This has been especially true in New Jersey. As a result...

EPA Goes to BAT Against Toxic Industrial Wastewater
Industrial wastewater discharged into municipal sanitary sewers can pass untreated through the treatment plant and into the receiving water. Some industrial wastes can also harm biological...





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