Optimization Issues in the Design and Control of Large Space Structures
The optimization and identification issues which arise in the design and control of large flexible space structures are reviewed. The first paper examines the use of several different...
Conveyance Losses Due to Reservoir Releases
Three natural streams in Wyoming were studied in order to estimate incremental conveyance losses associated with incremental increases in stream flow. For each study area, all surface...
Irrigation Canal Seepage and its Measurement
Reduction in seepage is one of the primary reasons used to justify investment in canal lining. Such justification depends greatly upon estimates of seepage through surface and subsurface...
Estimating Transmission Losses
Infiltration or transmission losses in ephemeral stream channels are an important part of the water balance in arid and semiarid regions. The governing equations for movement of flood...
Gains and Losses of Commingled Waters in a Stream
In a legal dispute in the State of Washington (Colville Confederated Tribes vs. Boyd Walton, Jr. , Farmer), it became necessary to determine the proportion of transmission losses sustained...
Quantification of Transit Losses, and its Effects on Surface-Water Resources, Arkansas River Basin, Colorado
Colorado Water Law enables downstream water users to use natural river channels to convey water from upstream storage reservoirs to downstream canals, provided an equitable charge is made...
Center Pivots: Iron Dinosaurs of Ogallala Aquifer
In mid-1983, USDA's Soil Conservation Service (SCS) staff in Colorado began a 5-year project aimed at reducing the amount of water the state extracts from the Ogallala aquifer....
Rating Systems to Evaluate Onfarm Water Conservation
The U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, concentrates its assistance on modernization of onfarm irrigation systems and improvement of water management to provide...
Irrigation Scheduling with the Neutron Probe
In 1981, the Imperial Irrigation District in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Reclamation started a demonstration irrigation scheduling program on 15,000 acres (6,075 ha)....
Effect of Surge Cycle Ratio and Cycle Time on Infiltration
A recirculating furrow infiltrometer was used to simulate surge flow irrigation for various cycle times and cycle ratios. The data collected was used to evaluate two empirical surge flow...
Effect of Wetted Perimeter on Infiltration in Furrows
Five empirical infiltration equations were evaluated using data from blocked infiltrometer tests with wetted perimeter values ranging from 28 to 49 cm. The results indicate that the Kostiakov...
Water Rights in Heber Valley, Utah
The Heber Valley is an agricultural area in Central Utah which is rapidly converting to recreational seasonal home development. There are many competing demands for the available water...
EPA Groundwater Protection Strategy Overview
Recently the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its Groundwater Protection Strategy with the objective to strengthen states' and EPA's programs dealing...
Institutional Incentives and Disincentives for Water Recycling and Reuse in the United States
A complex set of legislative/regulatory, technological, water conservation, and economic factors operate to affect the degree of industrial wastewater reuse/recycle in the United States....
Institutional Constraints and Evaluation of Potential Management Strategies on the Colorado River System
Management of the Colorado River reservoir system is a complex problem influenced by a number of institutional constraints including interstate compact agreements, international treaties,...
Water Duty for Agriculture in the Western United States
The agricultural water duty is a measure of the quantity of water reasonably required for use in agricultural crop production. For some time in the western United States, the agricultural...
Interbasin Transfers of Water in Ogallala States
Water rights to enable a major interbasin transfer can be obtained either through an initial appropriation or by acquiring an existing water right. All unappropriated surface water in...
Water Quality Impacts From a Flood Control Reservoir
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to evaluate the impact of a flood control reservoir located on the Des Moines River in central Iowa on seven water quality parameters:...
Effect of Best Management Practices on Water Quality in the Appoquinimink Watershed
As part of its 208 program related work, the Water Resources Agency for New Castle County, Delaware, has been involved in an agricultural nonpoint source pollution control program since...
Proposal for Funding Water Conservation Programs
Programs have been identified which appear to have the potential to conserve significant amounts of water within a large irrigated agricultural area. Losses such as canal seepage, operational...
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