Installation of Category I Caissons
Founding a proposed safety-related Category I structure of a nuclear power plant on rock socketed caissons necessitated using precision installation techniques. These techniques were chosen...

Case Histories: Evaluation of Drilled Pier Integrity by the Stress Wave Propagation Method
The Stress Wave Propagation Method (SWPM) was used to nondestructively investigate the integrity of straight-shaft drilled pier foundations at two sites in the Denver, Colorado area. Drilled...

Predicted and Measured Performance of a Foundation
The predicted and measured short term foundation behavior of a 28 story building in downtown San Antonio, Texas is reported. The soil is a stiff to hard clay and clay shale. The design...

Geotechnical Behavior of Underreams in Pleistocene Clay
Enlarged bases are often constructed in cylindrical drilled-and-cast-in-situ foundation elements (footings, bored piles) to increase their capacity. Enlarged bases that are cut mechanically...

Behavior of Drilled Piers in Layered Soils on Texas Barrier Islands
Twenty-eight full scale load tests and the results of 41 geotechnical studies were analyzed to correlate shear strength interpreted from field and laboratory test data with those derived...

Comparison of Caisson Load Tests on Chicago Hardpan
The results from two relatively recent instrumented caisson load tests from different sites on Chicago Hardpan are compared with a 'classic' large scale caisson...

Observations on Load Tests for Drilled Shafts
This paper focuses on three specific areas pertaining to load tests for drilled shafts: 1) basic considerations and load testing procedures, 2) interpretation of uplift load test information,...

Review of Repeated Axial Load Tests on Deep Foundations
A review of the literature is presented on the axial capacity of deep foundations subjected to repeated loads. Data are summarized on anchors, driven piles, and drilled shafts. In general,...

Quality Assurance/Quality Control; Case Studies?Introduction
The report emphasizes several requirements for quality management: a. The need for a knowledgeable field representative, preferably the resident engineer. This person must be familiar...

Quality in the Constructed Project: A Workshop Report
In the fall of 1984, ASCE conducted a workshop to determine what actions are necessary to improve quality in the constructed project. The engineering segment of the two-day meeting included...

Quality Management in the US Army Corps of Engineers: An Evaluation
Quality management programs are employed to assure the achievement of specific standards of performance. In the construction industry, quality management personnel face common problems...

The Role of the Quality Assurance Management on a Large Commercial Project
The role of the quality assurance manager on a high rise project being built on a tight time schedule is a challenging and diversified assignment. It is made especially difficult when...

Construction Management: Dallas North Tollway Project
This article will attempt to illustrate the importance of flexibility of the design and construction inspection process to insure the project is constructed within the time and budget...

Managing Quality into the Workplace
In February, 1983, the author's organization began a process designed to enhance attitudes about quality in every individual member of the organization. The process requires...

Watershed Management in 1985
Today's technology in subalpine watershed management is based on carefully designed watershed experiments beginning with Wagon Wheel Gap in 1909. Subsequent advances in process...

International and Educational Aspects of Watershed Management
International donor agencies involved in furnishing technical and economic assistance for increasing food and fiber production are focusing their attention towards rain-fed agricultural...

A Look to the Future in Watershed Management
The discipline of watershed management will continue as a viable specialized field as the scarcity, demand, and price of water increase in the future. Training of watershed managers should...

Cover Allocation in Rangeland Watershed Management (A Review)
The importance of cover on rangelands has been recognized for many years. This paper reviews the importance of cover in terms of infiltration and erosion and provides management recommendations...

South Branch Rockaway Storm Water Management Study
The Division of Water Resources of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the Hunterdon Soil Conservation District, the United States Department of Agriculture's...

An Ecosystem Approach to Watershed Management
An example is drawn from the Little River Research Watersheds near Tifton, Georgia. Riparian hardwood forests (low management) and upland agricultural fields (high management) are the...





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