Pipeline Landfall Construction by Horizontal Drilling
The segment of an offshore pipeline where the transition is made from standard offshore laying procedures to standard on land laying procedures represents a difficult and costly construction...
Pipeline Hardware: Special Designs for Arctic Projects
The hardware used to support and protect arctic pipelines has evolved through several years of innovative design work by various engineering firms. The hardware used on the Kuparuk River...
Overview of Soil and Engineering Geologic Conditions in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas
General soil and engineering geologic conditions that are likely to affect exploratory drilling and development activities in six Alaska OCS lease sale areas are discussed. Important conditions...
Strength-Deformation Properties of Arctic Silt
Hydrocarbon exploration and production activities in the Beaufort Sea require construction of gravity structures capable of withstanding extremely large ice loads at sites where the subsea...
Undrained Cyclic Behaviour of Beaufort Sea Silt
Cyclic loading behaviour of Beaufort Sea silt has been studied under triaxial conditions, with and without static shear stress, to define the resistance to liquefaction or cyclic straining...
Wave Induced Liquefaction and Scouring in Yukon Prodelta Silts
The scouring potential of the Yukon prodelta has been investigated. The results obtained from geologic, hydrodynamic and geotechnical considerations indicate that probable liquefaction...
Cyclic Multiaxial Cubical Cell Experiments on a Norton Sound Silt
A servo-controlled multiaxial cubical test apparatus has recently been used to investigate the behavior of the foundation soil for a gravity structure in Norton Sound of the Alaska Outer...
Analysis of Liquefaction Potential of Hydraulically Placed Subsea Berms
The use of hydraulically placed sand for the construction of artificial islands for hydrocarbon exploration in the Beaufort Sea has necessitated detailed geotechnical evaluations of their...
Orthophotoquad Mapping Program for Alaska
The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the lead civilian mapping agency in the United States and is responsible for creating and maintaining numerous map series. In Alaska the standard...
Arctic Oil Spills in Relationship to Sea Ice Motion
Sea ice on a scale of a few kilometers must be treated as a granular material rather than a continuum. The floes are in nearly constant motion relative to a fixed frame and each other....
An HF CODAR Doppler Transponder System
Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Company completed two major phases in the development of a high frequency (HF) CODAR Doppler transponder system for measuring sea ice motion. The system...
Constitutive Equations for Ice as a Damaging Material
Constitutive equations for ice subjected to uniaxial compression are developed based on applications of the theory of continuous damage mechanics. A physical model of ice deformation response...
Fracture Theory for Nonhomogeneous Brittle Materials with Application to Ice
Brittle heterogeneous materials generally fracture with a dispersed zone of microcracking at the fracture front. The deformation and failure of these materials can be described by a nonlocal...
Sea Ice Indentation Accounting for Strain-Rate Variation
Two levels of ice loading are typically considered in the design of drilling and production platforms for the Arctic. Global ice pressures govern the overall structural geometry and dimensions...
Ice Load Prediction with the Use of a Rate-Dependent Anisotropic Constitutive Law
Man-made structures built in arctic offshore areas are subject to ice loads. Traditional methods for estimating ice loads rely on an indentation factor from rigid-plasticity, an empirical...
Spalling and Buckling of Ice Sheets
The effect of local eccentricity in the vertical direction on the magnitude of compressive strength of wide ice sheets is studied theoretically. Two new failure modes are identified: indentation...
Validation of the CICE Code for Ice Ride-Up and Ice Ridge Cone Interaction
The discrete element method is capable of analyzing multiple, interacting, deformable, discontinuous or fractured bodies undergoing large motions and rotations. The formulation solves...
Deep Water Bering Sea Development Concepts
A brief description of the major environmental factors that a structure used to produce oil and gas in the deep water Bering Sea would have to cope with is presented. In particular, the...
Geotechnical Characteristics of Seafloor Sediments: Norton Sound, Alaska
During the past few years the USGS has been conducting studies in the northern Bering Sea aimed at identifying geologic and environmental conditions that may be hazardous to offshore resource...
Bering Sea Crude Oil Transportation Systems
A study to evaluate and compare the technology and costs associated with crude oil transportation alternatives in the Bering Sea has been conducted. Existing and proposed offshore loading...
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