RSS: A Construction Kit for Visual Programming of River Basin Models
With the ever increasing pressure on environmental resources, there exists strong interest in river basin models which can be used to simulate proposed policy alternatives. Traditionally,...

Development of a Raw Water Master Plan Model to Assist Long Range Drought and Water Conservation Planning for the City of Louisville, Colorado
The City of Louisville, a municipal corporation charged with meeting the water demands of almost 5,000 water accounts and faced with a diminishing supply of available senior water rights...

Application of Computer Support for Water Quality Management
A Computer-Aided Support System for operation of the QUAL2E-UNCAS river water quality model has been developed for the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, North Coastal Region....

CASS for Evaluating Hg Contamination in Clear Lake, CA
Characterization of ecosystem contamination and evaluation of potential mitigation schemes represent two of the most immediate challenges to management of water resources. Heavy metals...

Graphics User Interface for Water Quality Model Calibration
The UC Davis Water Resources Modeling Group developed a unique Graphical Use Interface (GUI) in the Microsoft Windows environment to facilitate use of the stream mode QUAL2E for the Russian...

Evolving Institutions for Managing the ACF Basin
The ACF basin is a case of interstate conflict in resource management. This study looks at the planning underway with regard to mechanisms for managing the basin....

Optimal Planning of Combined Sewer Rehabilitation
The need to rehabilitate many of the existing sewer systems to keep them operational is evident. The development of a rehabilitation plan that optimizes the use of funds is the first step...

A Derived Flood Frequency Distribution for Ungaged Catchments
Flood frequency distribution for ungaged catchments are described in the article. The various parameters that effect the flood frequency distribution are describes. Influence of the climate...

Global Approaches for the Nonconvex Optimization of Pipe Networks
Because the pipe network problem is nonconvex, two global search schemes, MULTISTART and ANNEALING, are employed to permit a local optimum seeking method to migrate among various local...

Optimal Rehabilitation Model for Water Distribution Systems
The objective of this paper is to describe a new methodology which can select the pipes to be rehabilitated and/or replaced in an existing water distribution system and determine how much...

The Impact of Global Warming on Water Resources: Overview and Implications for Coastal California
In the past two years, impressive evidence has accumulated that global warming is occurring and is related to the increase in greenhouse gasses. The impact of the warming process on water...

Empowering Stakeholders Through Simulation in Water Resources Planning
During the past two years, researchers at the University of Washington (UW) have had the unique opportunity to facilitate and observe the development of drought planning activities associated...

The Potomac Experience?A Forerunner of DPS
Thirty years ago, dramatic events were about to begin in Potomac River basin with the publication of a report of study recommending 16 major reservoirs and hundreds of small ones to solve...

The Role of Object Oriented Simulation Models in the Drought Preparedness Studies
One of the major activities in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Drought Preparedness Studies (DPS) has been the development of water resource simulation models for each study site. This...

Demonstrating Competition for a Limited Resource in the Cedar/Green Basins
An object oriented model building tool is used to develop two river basin simulation models. The models will be used to help manage the water resource during dry years in the Cedar and...

Including Expert System Decisions in a Numerical Model of a Multi-Lake System Using STELLA
During the drought of 1988, water users in the Kanawha River, West Virginia, became painfully aware of conflicting uses that have developed since the 1970s. A numerical modeling of the...

Multiparty Model Development Using Object-Oriented Programming
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) has taken advantage of recent advances in object oriented programming to build a flexible input and output model of its water supply...

Bringing People, Policies, and Computers to the Water (Bargaining) Table
Droughts have been defined terms of hydrometeorological terms; however, a Water Control Manager realizes that droughts are also a function of demands. During the drought of 1988, water...

Monthly Water Balance for Blue Nile River Basin in Ethiopia
The objective of this study was to present existing stream flow data for the Blue Nile River and tributaries within the Blue Nile River basin in Ethiopia and to use that data to provide...

Identifying the True Issues of Hydropower Resource Development in an Era of Public and Regulatory Policy Transition
The last several years have produced changes in public and regulatory policy that have provided for increased roles and participation of resource agencies, Native Americans, and the public...





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