Accounting for CADD Center Costs
The purpose of developing a CADD cost center is to segregate all costs related to the CADD operation so that you may receive fair compensation for CADD usage and to ensure fair charges...
Second-Guessing the Engineer
The relationships between utilities and the bodies that regulate them have changed drastically in the past few years. No longer can any costs associated with the construction of new power...
Geotechnical Innovations: Why Seldom Used in Highways?
Ground improvement methods introduced within the past decade to American geotechnical engineers offer cost savings, ease of construction and reduced construction time. Amont these innovations...
Distillery Wastes Treated and Recovered Energy Saves $1 Million/Yr
The waste treatment and energy recovery for the world's largest rum distillery (Bacardi Corp., San Juan, Puerto Rico) uses an aerobic digestion to treat distillery wastes...
Surveying's New Promise: Centimeters from Space
One centimeter accuracy at far less cost than surveying by traditional methods is promised by the Global Positioning System (GPS). Signals from NAVSTAR satellites are received by two or...
Can Digital Terrain Data Cut Route Selection Time?
The use of photogrammetry in the collection of digital terrain and the use of a computer to process data is not being used to its fullest. Use of these two tools together increases access...
Big Organizations: Restructure Them into Small Ones
Engineering firms and agencies grow in two ways: horizontally as the number of specialized support divisions increases, and vertically through new positions in the hierarchy. The traditional...
Water Supply Management Enters a New Era
Historical demand can no longer dictate water supply planning. The lessons learned in California are that changes in political and social attitudes require new approaches. Taxpayers are...
How to Strengthen Client-Consultant Relationships
Effective use of a professional consultant is often diminished by poor management-staff communication. Consultants, because of their previous experience, may be able to provide input to...
Civil Engineering: At the Center of Technology for Tomorrow
Between now and the year 2000 civil engineers have the opportunity, perhaps more than any other profession, to help create the monuments of our civilization. This will involve projects...
Experiences with Micros in Project Controls
The experience of one and one-half years of microcomputer use in project controls is related, with the intent of helping the system buyer anticipate useful applications, and suggesting...
Automated Control and Robotics for Construction
This paper addresses the potential for automated process control and robotics for remote, large-scale field operations such as those on construction engineering projects. Combining selected...
Financial Engineering
Most firms perform design and engineering to economic criteria, as a portion of normal activities. This paper attempts to encourage further use of financial engineering by describing its...
The Individual Attitude: Its Impact on Financial Success
Individual engineers often have personalities and interests substantially different from those traits that support the financial success of a project. An engineer's inherent...
Social and Environmental Objectives in Water Resources Planning and Management
The nation's goals for water programs and projects must be clearly understood by engineers. This report describes the process of identifying social, economic and environmental...
Managing Finances
Managing finances is becoming increasingly complex for the engineering manager. How the engineering manager assesses the impacts of an individual's attitude can have a pronounced...
Small Computers in Construction
These proceedings are the result of a symposium sponsored by the Task Committee on the Application of Small Computers in Construction of the Construction Division of ASCE. Nine papers...
Fast Tracking Milwaukee's Stormwater Cleanup
In building a massive sewer and treatment plant, Milwaukee solved legal and management problems. At the same time, the city speeded design and construction for the project. Triggered by...
Building Failures: Design Problems and Solutions
A Building Failures conference of the Engineering Foundation dissected the problems leading to failures and recommended ways to reduce failures. This article discusses value engineering,...
Help with Permits In One Stop
New Jersey State Government has developed a system which enables practicing engineers to identify and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements for a specific project. Publication...
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