Time-Dependent Landslide Probability Mapping
Case studies where time of failure is known for rainfall-triggered debris flows can be used to estimate the parameters of a hazard model in which the probability of failure is a function...

Operation of a Real-Time Warning System for Debris Flows in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Weather Service (NWS) have developed an operational warning system for debris flows during severe rainstorms in the San Francisco...

Structural and Non-Structural Debris-Flow Countermeasures
Debris-flow can potentially occur for almost any torrents whose gradient is steeper than a given critical value and the frequency at which the debris-flow occurs depends on geological...

Serviceability Stress Limits for Composite Beams
Serviceability limits are increasingly becoming the critical design requirement for composite beams. A set of three illustrative design studies indicates that this is particularly true...

SHRP Deformation Test?Asphalt Mix Tests and Analysis Systems
From analyses of existing information on the permanent-deformation characteristics of asphalt/binder-aggregate mixes, as well as the development of permanent deformation in pavement structures,...

Radiographic Visualization in Experimental Soil Mechanics
A summary of the principles of such methods is presented, i.e. stereophotogrammetry, infrared thermography and radiography and their respective ranges of applicability are discussed. Then,...

Digital Image Techniques for Volume Change Measurements in Triaxial Tests
This paper presents an innovative technique that has been used for measuring the volumetric deformation that cylindrical specimens experience during the shearing stages of a triaxial test....

Displacements in the Soil Near a Tunnel Face Using Centrifuge Tests and Image Processing
Image processing is applied to measurements of the soil for a tunnel model in centrifuge. For this aim a specifical device has been developed on the LCPC centrifuge (Nantes, France) and...

Heavy Aircraft Damage to Rigid Airport Pavements
A theoretical solution is presented for the damage caused by heavy aircraft at the transverse joints in a rigid airport pavement. Large stresses in the subgrade generate significant permanent...

Negative Skin Friction Due to Wetting of Unsaturated Soil
A steel building at a cement plant un Utah was originally supported by spread footings. Shallow wetting of the coarse granular soils supporting the footings resulted in over three inches...

Osmotic Suction as a Valid Stress State Variable in Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
The hypothesis of the research being presented is that the osmotic suction of soil pore fluid is an independent, valid stress sate variable for unsaturated soils. A review of concepts...

The Transistor Psychrometer: A New Instrument for Measuring Soil Suction
The transistor psychrometer is the latest instrument available for the measurement of soil moisture suction. It has been developed over a number of years and is very similar in operation...

Performance of Horizontal and Vertical Barriers
Horizontal and vertical barriers have been used on transportation facilities to control expansive soils and minimize their damages. The effort is to minimize moisture change in the soil...

Unsaturated Soils
This proceedings, Unsaturated Soils, consists of papers presented at sessions of the 1993 ASCE National Convention and Exposition held in Dallas,...

Keller Canyon Fills a Need
Opening a new landfill site in California can be an onerous task. Any owner willing to try must work with the state's stringent environmental legislation, profusion of solid...

Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures II
This proceedings, Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, presents papers from an international workshop sponsored by ASCE-ACI...

Geosynthetics Conquer the Landfill Law
Los Angeles' last operating landfill is undergoing a major expansion using innovative materials in the liner system to overcome difficult site conditions. The design represents...

A Design Manual for Coastal Fluidization Systems
This paper summarizes a recently completed design manual on fluidization systems to manage sand in the coastal environment for sand bypassing at inlets and harbor mouths and for creating...

Tackling Trapped Sediments
Crater-sink fluidization has been used to recover sediment from harbors for the past couple of decades. Can this method bypass sediment around dams and return it to eroded beaches, solving...

Real-Time Condition Monitoring of Concrete Structures by Embedded Optical Fibers
Fiber optic sensor methodology has matured to the point where the impact of this new technology is now evident, especially in aeronautics and space structure applications. External perturbations...





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