Future Shock for Farmers
An expert panel of water and agricultural practices specialists met and predicted how the nation should and might deal with problems associated with nonpoint pollution sources, especially...

Underground Storage Tank Program and Its Implications
National concern over leaking underground tanks storing hazardous materials and wastes has resulted in the implementation of the 1984 Amendments of RCRA, which include the requirement...

Megaproject Management Tool
Program management oversight is an administration innovation in the water and wastewater treatment field. The method is increasingly being used when a public entity takes on a project...

Getting the VOCs Out of Well Water
Two technologies are successfully removing volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) from groundwater supplies. Not surprisingly, since the application is new, many of the designs were not optimized...

Energy/Environment Opportunities for Civil Engineers
In the West, Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning; In the East, Implementation of Waste to Energy Systems
The papers in this book examine and provide illustrations for civil engineering opportunities in resolving apparent conflicts between needs for energy generation and environmental acceptability....

Disposal and Utilization of Electric Utility Wastes
The papers presented in this book summarize the recent developments in coal ash utilization technology, and the current issues and regulations associated with the environmental effects...

Changing Federal/State Water Resources Roles
As federal agencies such as Reclamation undertake change on national and regional levels, the priorities and programs of state and local groups may, in turn, be affected. Increased coordination...

The Nebraska Chemigation Cat?1987 in Review
The Nebraska Chemigation Act was signed into law in April of 1986 with requirements effective January 1, 1987. The Act is one of the most comprehensive pieces of chemigation legislation...

Chemigation Backflow Prevention Assemblies
Chemigation with sprinkler irrigation systems is widely used throughout the United States. One potential environmental hazard of this practice is the point source water contamination due...

Advanced Chemigation Systems for Environmental Safety and Groundwater Protection
A multifunction irrigation system has been developed which utilizes a separate dynamic in-canopy nozzle system for chemical application. Testing the system with a lithium tracer on four...

Potassium Fertigation in Drip Irrigated Peppers in Puerto Rico
Three potassium fertigation rates (T1 = 100%, T2 = 60%, T3 = 30%) via trickle irrigation, fertilization rates (T4 = 100%, S1 = 100%, S2 = 50%, S3 = 0.0) and nonfertilization (T5 = 0.0)...

Methods of Evaluating Canal Transmission Losses
This paper discusses various methods presently used to evaluate transmission losses with particular emphasis on those methods used in the Bureau of Reclamation....

The Economic Feasibility of Using Ethanol to Accelerate Groundwater Denitrification
A substantial buildup of nitrate in the groundwater of the eastern Sandhills region of Nebraska is projected by some planners. A groundwater carbon source such as ethanol promotes denitrification,...

Leaching of Nitrate from Freely Drained?Irrigated Fields Treated with Municipal Sludges
A municipal sludge land application experiment was initiated in 1975 near Riverside, California. From 1975 to 1983 sludges from the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area were applied on experimental...

Economic Evaluation of Treatment Alternatives for Nitrate-Contaminated Water Supplies
This paper discusses the economic feasibility of removing nitrates from water supplies. Potential nitrate treatment methods include ion exchange, reverse osmosis, bio-denitrification,...

Expert Systems Water Management: A Demonstration
Expertise is one of the major assets of the Bureau of Reclamation. However, with the current downward trend in government funding, the Bureau is facing an 'expertise crisis'....

Selenium in the Kendrick Reclamation Project, Wyoming
Elevated concentrations of selenium in water, bottom sediment, and biota were noted during a reconnaissance investigation of the Kendrick Reclamation Project in central Wyoming. Dissolved-selenium...

The Bureau of Reclamation in Transition
Recognizing and responding to the changing climate in water resources, the Bureau of Reclamation recently launched a massive effort to redirect the agency's traditional mission....

The Changing Role of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
The Bureau's reorganization will enable it to more effectively and efficiently meet changing water resources needs in the western states. The new role of the Bureau is particularly...

Features of Flow in Slurry-Thickening Ponds
The study reported was undertaken to investigate the physical processes which come into play in settling-pond slurry thickeners and causes their behavior to deviate from those included...





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