The Bureau of Reclamation in Transition

by Joe D. Hall, Bureau of Reclamation, United States,
Terry P. Lynott, Bureau of Reclamation, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Soil Properties Evaluation from Centrifugal Models and Field Performance


Recognizing and responding to the changing climate in water resources, the Bureau of Reclamation recently launched a massive effort to redirect the agency's traditional mission. Reclamation will devote its expertise to conserving and managing water and power resources in advanced, innovative ways. As federal agencies such as Reclamation undertake change on national and regional levels, the priorities and programs of state and local groups may, in turn, be affected. Increased coordination and cooperation between all levels of government and concerned parties can ensure that wise management of valuable resources continues despite a variety of constraints.

Subject Headings: Water resources | Water reclamation | Water conservation | Hydro power | Bureau of Reclamation | Water management | Water treatment

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