Typification and Evaluation in Design
Recently, writers on design theory have characterized the design process as an interaction between broad categories of design knowledge and their application in unique situations. The...
Implicit Design Knowledge and its Impact on Cost Estimating
Construction cost estimating experiences negative impacts due to a design-construction gap created by the fragmented nature of the AEC industry. Most of the design knowledge and data that...
Conceptual Model for a Site Operations Control System
This study discusses a conceptual model for designing an on-site management control system. Capabilities of this proposed Site Operations Control System (SOCS) include a mechanism for...
Construction Inspection in South Carolina
The paper will discuss the experience of the South Carolina Department of Transportation in the use of consulting engineering firms on bridge construction projects. A review of the current...
Central Artery (I-93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project
This paper is intended to provide an overview of the Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project (CA/T) Project; a $4.9 billion USD interstate highway constructed underground through a densely...
Geotechnical and Construction Aspects of the Immersed Tube Tunnel in Boston Harbor
An immersed tube tunnel (ITT) approximately 3,850 feet in length will be constructed as a part of the Central Artery/Tunnel Interstate Highway Project located in Boston, Massachusetts....
Seismic Design Issues for Immersed Tube Tunnels
This paper provides an overview of the issues and the state of the art techniques in the seismic design of immersed tube tunnels (ITT). Particular focus is given to the ITT presently planned...
Immersed Tube Tunnel, Boston, Massachusetts
A four-lane Immersed Tube Tunnel is planned for the crossing of Boston Harbor from the City of Boston to the Logan Airport area in East Boston. The immersed tube consists of 12 sections...
Computer-Integrated Construction and the Building Life Cycle
This presentation will discuss the computer-integrated construction (CIC) movement, where this movement is heading, how current CIC software products meet the needs of today's...
The Impact of User Interfaces on CAD Systems
The generation of architectural layouts through knowledge-based techniques forms a notable focus in design research efforts. A significant aspect of this research centers upon the development...
Integration of CAD and Material Control
The purpose of this paper is to address the relationship between CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings and the material control software. Computer generated drawings have the ability to...
3-D Positioning for Construction Surveying and Automation
Three-dimensional real-time positioning is a critical requirement to allow for improved surveying and autonomous vehicle control. Given such a system and a project data link, multiple...
Designing Plans for Constructability
The writer has obtained several years experience acting as construction engineer for roadway rehabilitation projects as a consulting engineer. In this capacity, it is necessary to provide...
Constructability?Washington State Highways
During the last decade, efforts were directed towards improving constructability of highway design at Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). This paper briefly summarizes...
Time/Cost Bidding
This paper presents the details of a relatively new and innovative approach to determining the low bidder on highway construction contracts. In the cost and time method each bidder proposes...
Kinematics and Trajectory Planning for Robotic Excavation
One of the high volume and repetitive construction operations at the construction site is the excavation of soil. Automation of the excavation work requires a robotic system that is able...
State and Local Issues in Transportation of Hazardous Waste Materials
Towards a National Strategy
This proceedings contains papers presented at the specialty conference State and Local Issues in Transportation of Hazardous Materials: Towards a National Strategy held on May 14-16, 1990...
Ductile Frames Are Tough for Earthquakes
Implications of a new structural system in wharf design go far beyond San Francisco Bay, where two such wharves remained intact after the 1989 Loma Prieta quake. The design, introduced...
Air-Water Transfer: The Role of Partitioning
A review is presented of the role of air-water equilibrium in determining the direction and rate of transfer of chemicals between water bodies and the atmosphere. Because this diffusive...
Hydraulic Engineering
This proceedings,
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