Transferring Conserved Water
The proposal to transfer water salvaged by water conservation programs from one area to another is a new concept. Imperial Irrigation District (District), located in the southeast portion...

Interstate Agreements for Water Transfers
Any state is typically subjected to opposing forces that wish to 1) preserve limited water resources for future in-state uses, or 2) to export that resource for out-of-state use. Statutes...

Effect of African Drought on Water Resource Management in Egypt
1980 marked the beginning of the worst drought to hit the Sahel and east Africa in 70 years. The consequences of the drought were compounded by inappropriate farming methods, bureaucratic...

Corps of Engineers Automation of Real-Time Water Control Management
Automation of real-time water control management activities has enabled the Corps to keep pace with an ever increasing workload in a time of fiscal constraint and reduced manpower. Where...

Application of a Stochastic Hydrology Model
This paper presents the development and application of a multi-site, multi-season stochastic hydrology model for the Sacramento Valley portion of the Central Valley of California. The...

Water Management of the Tenn-Tom Water
In December 1984 the final segments of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway were completed. The Waterway connects the Tennessee River to the Gulf of Mexico at the City of Mobile. The total...

Computational Enhancements to a Multidimensional Dynamic Programming Algorithm
This paper discusses ongoing work in investigating the vectorization potential (speed-up) of multidimensional dynamic programming computer codes on the Control Data Corporation (CDC) CYBER...

Procedures in a Change of Water Rights
The general procedures used in the water right analysis for a change in a water right must be applied to the historic use and then repeated for the proposed new use. The required analysis...

Factual Issues in Water Rights Changes
When an appropriator of a water right desires to change the manner in which the right is exercised there are a number of factors that must be considered. These include the types of changes...

Meadow ET in the Bear River Basin of Utah, Wyoming and Idaho
This study was begun in 1982 to assist the Bear River Commission in their statutory obligation of determining a duty of water under the Bear River compact. The study involved installing...

Maximum and Actual ET from Grasses and Grass-Like Plants
Two studies of mountain meadow water use were conducted along the Little Laramie River and in the Upper Green River Basin of Wyoming. Monthly and seasonal data from twelve non-weighing...

Water Use by Saltcedar in an Arid Environment
Specialized instruments and measurement techniques developed at the University of Arizona facilitate precise estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) with the energy budget model. Use of...

Flood Reduction Efficiency of the Water-Management System in Dade County (Miami), Florida
Two tropical weather systems, Hurricane Donna (1960) and Tropical Storm Dennis (1981), produced nearly equivalent amounts of rainfall in a 48-hour period south of the Miami (Florida) area....

Optimization, Simulation and Multiobjective Analysis of Operating Rules for Reservoir Systems
In this paper, three steps are proposed for establishing reservoir operating rules which can be used in real-time without flow forecasting. In the first step, optimization models are used...

Water Resources Systems Planning: Differential Dynamic Programming Models
A Monte Carlo optimization methodology is presented for water resources systems. The planning model define the optimal storage and release policies for the reservoir system. The optimization...

Improving Streamflow and Water Quality Below Dams
Progress by the Tennessee Valley Authority on improving dissolved oxygen (DO) and flow conditions below hydropower projects is discussed. New methods of turbine venting have resulted in...

Oxygenation of Releases from Richard B. Russell Dam
The oxygen injection system at the Richard B. Russell project has a continuous injection system located 1 mile upstream of the Russell damsite but also has supplemental injection capability...

Financing Water Supply Infrastructure - A Public Works Perspective
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority was established to ensure that the regional water and wastewater needs were properly addressed, removing the budget process from the legislature...

Drinking Water Distribution System Reliability: A Case Study
The purpose of this study was to present a tool useful to water utilities that not only could analyze historical distribution system reliability data, but also provide a flexible and expandable...

Coupling of Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models
Long term, multi-dimensional water quality modeling in estuaries and coastal embayments using a directly linked hydrodynamic and water quality model can be prohibitively expensive. In...





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