Incipient Resuspension of Silt-Clay Sediment
The laboratory study of incipient motion of fine-grained cohesive sediment under oscillatory flow, unidirectional flow and the combined effects of oscillatory and unidirectional flow is...

Numerical Flood Routing for Natural Channels
A numerical model has been developed for simulating the propagation of a flood wave in a natural channel. Using this numerical model, the influence of the factors affecting the motion...

Mechanics of Mudflows
A Bingham model is adopted to study the fluid mechanics of mudflows. Equations for predicting the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in an open channel are formulated and verified...

Analysis of Partially Filled Circular Storm Sewers
The classic design approach uses Manning's formula. Comparisons between analytical results obtained in this manner and the many available experimental results indicate substantial...

Accurate Computation of Nonlinear Advection
Advection, the transport of a quantity by the mean velocity, is a process which appears in virtually all equations of free-surface hydraulics. The demonstrated accuracy and efficiency...

Boundary Element Analysis of Flow in Heterogenous Porous Media
The boundary integral equation method (BIEM) is an efficient numerical method which has been applied to a wide variety of engineering problems governed by a partial differential equation...

Higher-Order Methods for Transient Free-Surface Flows
One-dimensional transient free-surface flows in open channels are described by a set of quasi-linear hyperbolic partial differential equations, called the Saint-Venant equations. Numerical...

Numerical Modeling of Flow in Hydropower Intakes
To reduce high mortality of downstream migrating juvenile salmon at hydraulic turbines, traveling screens are used to guide the juveniles into a bypass channel for safe passage. However,...

Coping with High and Low Pressures of Transient Flow
Conditions exist in most long distance water pipelines, such that abnormal but inevitable occurrences will cause transient flow. Often the most crucial conditions for consideration by...

Hydraulic Analysis of Water Transmission Flowing Party Full
The hydraulic behavior of a transmission line that flows full along only part of its length is more difficult to analyze than a completely full line. Unsteady open-channel and closed-conduit...

Flow and Scour Patterns around Gabion Structures
There is a need for simple, inexpensive and effective means for streambank protection and fish habitat enhancement. Initial results are presented of laboratory research on the performance...

Local Scour at Fish Rocks
There is a growing interest in the enhancement of rearing habitat for juvenile anadromous fish in the Pacific Northwest. This has focused attention on the need for a better understanding...

Modeling Multiple Spur Schemes to Control Bank Erosion
A natural consequence of the meandering tendencies characteristic of all streams, is streambank erosion. The problem has taken on particular interest recently, focusing on erosion problems...

Willamette River Adjustments to New Spur Dikes
Severe bank erosion has caused recent local losses of up to 30 ft (9 m) per year of prime agricultural land along a half-mile (800 m) reach of the Willamette River, Oregon. The U. S. Army...

High Streamflow Behaviors in the Ohio River Basin
The intensity function, which describes the severity of the flood occurrences, is a critical factor in flood control and reservoir operation. It is found that the occurrence rates of high...

A Three Dimensional Hydraulic Jump
A study is conducted to define the three-dimensional hydraulic jump that occurs in a rectangular channel downstream of a rectangular contracted sluice gate. A sequent depth ratio equation...

Riprap Sizing-Four Methods
A comparison summary is provided for sizing of riprap by four methods: Isbash, Froude, Tractive Force - Logarithmic Velocity Profile (TFL), and Tractive Force - Power Velocity Profile...

Cavitation in Various Types of Shear Flow
Cavitation in turbulent shear flow depends on the intensity and spectral characteristics of the pressure fluctuations in a Lagrangian frame of reference as well as depending on the concentration...

Cavitation Inception from Cylindrical Holes
The inception of cavitation due to circular holes in a boundary is studied. Laboratory experiments were conducted to define limited cavitation as a function of the hole depth to diameter...

Modeling of a Multifunctional Hydraulic Structure
A 1:12 scale Froude model of a hydraulic control structure in the Rochester Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Program (RCSOAP) was constructed and tested to optimize the design requirements...





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