Submerged Vanes for Sediment Control in Rivers
A procedure is developed for a rational design of a system of submerged vanes for depth control in alluvial-river channels. The vanes are vertical, small-aspect ratio foils installed on...

Flow and Sediment Transport in Curved Channels with Nonuniform Bed Material
Described is a scheme for controlling the exchange of grain sizes between bed and bed load in a curved alluvial channel. The scheme is an integral part of a model for simulating spatial...

A New Technique for Measuring Fine Sediment Accumulation in Gravel Bed Streams
The collection and analysis of bed material samples has been a standard practice for determining the quantity of fine sediments (less than 3. 4 mm diameter) in stream gravels. However,...

Sediment Intrusion into the Substrate of Gravel Bed Streams
A physically-based model was developed to simulate the intrusion of fine sediments into stream gravel substrates and its effects on intragravel flow. The model is capable of simulating...

Ecological Impacts of Sediment Transport to Tropical Reservoirs
Sediment transport and siltation influence both the longevity and ecology of tropical reservoirs. The sediment load to these systems is typically seasonal and affects ecological processes...

Sedimentation at Canal In-Line Structures
This paper describes the procedures used to compute the transport capabilities of existing canals and the process for predicting sediment deposition that will occur at or near the modified...

Modeling Erosion and Sedimentation in Irrigation
Sediment yield and erosion modeling approaches for sprinkler and surface irrigation are discussed. Empirical approaches, such as the ULSE, and other regression approaches and their applicability...

Transportation Infrastructure Information Systems
The current crisis in the nation's transportation infrastructure necessitates the development of innovative data management systems to facilitate and implement analysis algorithms...

Design of Impact Limiters for Waste Fuel Shipping Casks
Impact limiters are often used to control the decelerations experienced by a waste fuel shipping cask when it is subjected to the hypothetical accident condition loadings. Simplified design...

Coordination of Interconnected Arterial Traffic Signals
Present analytical methods and computer programs offer capabilities of optimizing the traffic signal coordination for a series of signalized intersections. Recently, transportation research...

Endangerment Assessment in a Multilayered Aquifer Using a Microcomputer Based Transport Model
An endangerment assessment describes the types and degrees of potential hazards to public health, welfare, or the environment that may result from the release of hazardous substances into...

Westway - The Little Word that Killed the Big Highway
The Westside Highway Project, better known as Westway, received a construction permit on February 25, 1985 from the Army Corps of Engineers. Signed by the author, the permit was invalidated...

Three Inexpensive Land Use Allocation Techniques
The current thrust in transportation planning is to make use of manual and microcomputer techniques for providing quick-response travel estimation. In this context, matching land use techniques,...

The River Walks of San Antonio Move to Providence
At the historic heart of Providence, Rhode Island, three rivers divide the city into three areas. Nearly one mile of river corridors have been abused over the last century, resulting in...

Downtown Traffic Goes Down Under
Seattle's 1980 employment population of 124,000 is expected to jump to 150,000 by 1990. This will mean more commuter traffic and more mass transit coming into the city's...

Transit Tactics: Keeping Light Rail Moving
The Guadalupe Corridor Light Rail Transit project is a massive undertaking that will be built in segments from San Jose to Santa Clara, CA. The $372 million project involves numerous agencies...

National Urban Transportation Planning Trends and Implications
This paper explores urban transportation planning, program, and policy trends of the 1980s. Legislative and regulatory changes are also addressed. Among the planning trends discussed are...

Issues and Challenges in Transit Performance Research
Using performance indicators as a management tool in the transit industry is a developing art. Three theoretical issues have deterred progress: disagreement over definitions of efficiency...

Microcomputers and Transportation: A Look Forward
Technical development in the microcomputer industry continues to accelerate. In the next few years changes in hardware and software will occur which will be at least as dramatic as those...

Bus Maintenance Cost Control
Effective bus maintenance programs are essential for the cost-effective provision of reliable transit service. Standard tools for maintenance management include preventative maintenance...





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