Interstate Highway System
Eventually to cost nearly $90 billion, the Interstate Highway System will connect all U.S. cities of 50,000 and larger, eventually carry 25% of all highway traffic. The article traces...

Philadelphia-three ages of a city
On these pages are the profiles of the City of Brotherly Love in three eras. First come the founding years, and the story of why, though only half as old as Boston and New York, by 1750...

World's Third Longest Cantilever Bridge
This report includes the planning, design and construction procedure of the world's third longest double deck, cantilever bridge, Osaka Port Bridge, which was completed in...

Off-Highway Transportation in the Arctic
Because of the terrain and lack of roads in the region, a new breed of off-highway vehicles has seen heavy service in the Arctic and north slope of Alaska. These vehicles include rubber-bag...

Rio-Niteroi Bridge Features Record Girder Span
The six-lane highway bridge between Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi, Brazil, is 8.25 miles (13.3 km) long. There are 5.5 miles (8.9 km) constructed over the open waters of Guanabara Bay. The...

Porous Friction Course Solves Airport Hydroplaning Problem
Several hydroplaning incidents had occurred at the Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem Regional Airport, N.C. Hydroplaning occurs when hydrostatic pressure builds up in the field of surface...

Steel Stress-Ribbon Concept�� Will It Save Money�
The stress ribbon structure, a fairly new and unusual concept, can be built with central sags of less than 2% of the span length using currently available materials and technology. Possibilities...

Stress Ribbon Bridge in Freiburg, Germany
A three span continuous stress ribbon bridge of 75, 130, and 138 ft, was built in downtown Freiburg, W. Germany, for pedestrian traffic. Structural analysis is similar to that of suspension...

ASCE Tackles Standards
ASCE is sharply expanding its standards activity. Standards committees are at work in the fields of building loads, fire safety of structures, steel box-girder bridges, nuclear power plants...

First Bridge Across the Yukon River
Until recently, the Yukon River was a major obstacle in constructing a roadway to the oil-rich North Slope of Alaska. But on October 10, 1975, that obstacle was hurdled when the first...

Highway Fill�� A Broad-Crested Weir
Hurricane Agnes in June, l972, destroyed the bridge over the Middle Patuxent River in Maryland which had suffered damages from several other storms. Replacement costs had to be kept low...

Falsework Eliminated in Bridge Erection
The U.S. Highway 50 bridge just east of North Vernon, Ind., is one of the first applications in this country of the precast, prestressed concrete box girder design erected without falsework....

Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Draft Trial Use and Comment (Supplement)
Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities is a supplement to the (Draft for Trial Use and Comment) Manual of Engineering Practice...

Methods of Structural Analysis
Proceedings of the National Structural Engineering Conference, Methods of Structural Analysis, an ASCE Structural Division Specialty Conference held at the University of Wisconsin, Madison,...

American Wooden Bridges
Wooden bridges are inimitably American. Their practicality, individuality, and ruggedness are traditional characteristics associated with our country. This publication catalogues some...

Pipeline Bridge Uses Timber Arches
An arch bridge is utilized for the purpose of providing a river crossing for a water supply pipe. Tidal influence, an unfavorable riverbed situation complicated by estuarial and other...

Interstate Highway System
Eventually to cost nearly $90 billion, the Interstate Highway System will connect all U.S. cities of 50,000 and larger, eventually carry 25% of all highway traffic. The article traces...

British New Towns and the Civil Engineer
Since World War II Britain has built or is building several dozen New Towns. The first, designed to absorb London's growth, pioneered with breakthroughs in housing layouts...

Germany Constructs Steel Box Girder Landmark
The designer of a steel hollow box girder bridge in West Germany describes the design process and gives some construction details. Longest possible spans were sought because of environmental...

Civil Engineering History Gives Valuable Lessons
Many students, and others, feel the study of engineering history is a frill. Not so, this article suggests. A study of the past can give an engineer better ideas on how to solve a new...





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