Highway Fill�� A Broad-Crested Weir
by Beverly M. Johnson, Partner; Purdum & Jeschke, Consulting Engrs., Baltimore, Md.,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1976, Vol. 46, Issue 10, Pg. 60-61
Document Type: Feature article
Hurricane Agnes in June, l972, destroyed the bridge over the Middle Patuxent River in Maryland which had suffered damages from several other storms. Replacement costs had to be kept low since the hurricane had damaged other facilities in the county as well, and funding resources would be limited. Therefore a box culvert was installed for normal flows only. Flood conditions would still be blocked by the new installation. However, the highway fill is now doubling as a broad-crested weir. Erosion of the downstream face is being controlled by gabions.
Subject Headings: Weirs | Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones | Highway bridges | Storms | Rivers and streams | Highways and roads | Floods
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