Environmental Engineering
The purpose of the Annual Conference on Environmental Engineering is to pursue scientific knowledge and promote sound engineering judgement and practice in the solution of the many environmental...

The Theory of One-Dimensional Consolidation of Saturated Clays
The theory of nonlinear finite strain consolidation is reviewed. A modification of the effective stress equation to account of settling and consolidation as a unified phenomenon is proposed....

Particle Interaction and Stability of Suspended Solids
The physics of particle interaction, which is responsible for the problem of the apparent tardy settling of suspended solids in tailings discharge slurries containing initially low concentrations...

Validation of Consolidation Properties of Phosphatic Clay at Very High Void Ratios
The void ratio-effective stress and void ratio permeability relationships for phosphate slime mine tailings were measured by several methods. The measurements were used in nonlinear finite...

Consolidation of Mining Wastes
This paper describes laboratory and field tests for determining consolidation properties of soft sediments, presents data on several types of mining wastes, and presents the results of...

Prediction of Viable Tailings Disposal Methods
A sand-fines-water diagram is proposed to analyze and describe slurries composed of coarse and fine particulate matter. The diagram can be used to predict and plan disposal methods for...

Waste Phosphatic Clay Disposal in Mine Cutsr
Research was undertaken to assess the applicability of waste clay disposal back into phosphate mine cuts. The pit was monitored for two years with measurements of clay surface elevation,...

Application of Finite Strain Consolidation Theory for Engineering Design and Environmental Planning of Mine Tailings Impoundments
A knowledge of the consolidation behavior of mine tailings, during and after deposition, is important in estimating final impoundment capacity, rate and pore fluid expulsion during and...

Thalweg Disposal: Demonstration of an Alternative
Disposal of dredged material in the main channel, or thalweg, is an alternative disposal option for maintenance dredging. The material dredged from the Upper Mississippi River is clean...

A Methodology for Open-Water Disposal Site Selection
Pascagoula, Mississippi, is the major industrial region in coastal Mississippi. The existing project, completed in 1965, provides for waterborne transportation from the Gulf of Mexico...

Long-Term Planning for Dredged Material Disposal
The dredged material produced from maintenance of the channel in Upper Mobile Harbor (UMH) is disposed into confined upland disposal areas provided by the project's local...

Long-Term Maintenance Dredging PermIts--Florida's New Approach to Regulation and Its Implications for Federal, State, and Local Reforms
Florida has developed a long-term maintenance dredging permit process to reduce problems in obtaining regulatory approvals. Under Florida's new program, the term of the permit...

Design and Construction - Theodore Ship Channel
Environmental impacts, greater technological capabilities, and improved evaluation techniques make the disposal of large quantities of dredge material more complex and involved. Also,...

Implementation of EPA/Corps Site Evaluation Guidance
Past site evaluations have resulted in expensive and time-consuming field studies and a nationwide delay in final designation of interim sites. Recognizing the problem, a joint Corps/EPA...

Dredging Permit, a Case History
A case history of the federal, state and local permitting process for the dredging and disposal of dredged material of a tanker/barge terminal in Boston Harbor is discussed. The dredging...

Dredging for a new Port - Puerto Bolivar, Colombia
A major coal export terminal at Bahia Portete, Colombia, is being developed as part of the Cerrejon Coal Project - North Zone, where one of the world's largest coal mines...

Feasibility Study of Use of Dredged Material as Sanitary Landfill Cover in the New York/New Jersey Harbor Area
The feasibility of use of dewatered dredged material as cover material at landfills in the New York/New Jersey Harbor area has been investigated by the New York District, U. S. Army Corps...

Selection of Dredged Material Disposal Sites
Federal and state legislation regulating dredging of navigation channels along Maryland's Eastern Shore requires that local governing bodies provide the dredged material disposal...

Environmental Considerations of Thalweg Disposal
Disposal of dredged material in the thalweg or deepest portion of the Upper Mississippi River is one of several disposal alternatives that can be utilized. Aside from the mechanical/cost...

Cost-Effective Design for Urban Lakes Dredging
The design of a dredging project for an urban lake is usually more complex than for lakes in rural areas. Three areas are special problems particular to the urban lake: chemical quality...





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