The Saint Lawrence River System, Atlantic Coast of Qu?bec
At the 1:250,000 scale, Quebec has 13 773 km of coasts, 6 772 km of which belong solely to the Saint Lawrence River System. This system can be divided into six portions: river, limnetic...

Holocene Evolution of Deltas on the East Coast of India
Disposition of beach ridges vis-a-vis paleo river courses has helped in recognizing several abandoned delta lobes and reconstructing the stages in the progradation of various deltas on...

The Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta: A Review
The Changjiang river delta is the best studied one in China in terms of hydrology, sedimentology and evolution history. The construction of Pudong New Area in Shanghai in the 1990s has...

Characteristic of the Yellow River Delta
The yellow river delta is a most unstable delta in the world. The river burst its lowstream bank 1500 times during the last 3000 years, 26 large shifting of the channel as well. The river...

Evolution of the Santee/Pee Dee Delta Complex, South Carolina, USA
The Santee/Pee Dee delta is located on the north-central portion of the lower coastal plain physiographic province of south carolina, USA, which is underlain by pleistocene strand plain...

Humid Tropical Zone Deltas, Their Potential and Limitations for Development: Examples from Java, Indonesia
Monsoonal rivers on Java are responsible for the rapid growth and development of river deltas along the north coast of the island. The climatic and local environmental conditions in these...

Environmental Change in Southern Part of Mekong River Delta and Problems of Territorial Rational Use
Mekong river delta (MRD) is a largest plain in South-East Asia. Its southern part as a peninsula is a recently forming plain with low surface and it has been made up by muddy silt. Last...

Coastal Processes and Management of the Mahanadi River Deltaic Complex, East Coast of India
The Mahanadi river deltaic complex in the tropical climatic setting on the east coast of India has been studied with respect to geomorphology, land use/cover, coastal processes and management....

The Planning and Design of Multipurpose Artificial Barrier Reefs
Multipurpose artificial barrier reef is proposed for the enhancement of fisheries as part of the purpose of entire system of structures in Japan. As part of our planning efforts we are...

Japan's Port Management and The United States' Port Management
Management systems vary between ports, as well as between countries. Some systems are nationally centralized and others are relatively independent from government control. Between Japan...

Systems for Control of Environmental Conditions in Regional Marine Ecosystem?A Fundamental Study
This study is being executed as a part of the consolidated research carried out by Nihon University. The study is being developed basically by two main research groups; the first group...

Minnesota Guidestar?Progress Towards a Statewide Intelligent Transportatin System
Minnesota Guidestar is seeking to develop a truly statewide intelligent transportation system. The pursuit of this goal necessitates the testing and evaluation of a number of different...

IVHS Strategic Planning for Washington State
Implementation of IVHS technologies must be based on a strategic planning approach. The strategic plan must consider regional and statewide needs and should prompt integration of IVHS...

Before-After Evaluation of FTMS Effectiveness
This paper demonstrated the possibilities for conducting before-after evaluation of a new freeway traffic management system (FTMS) using only data from the inductive loop detectors. Using...

Migration to Traffic Adaptive Control?A Case Study
Many of the urban traffic control systems currently in operation around the world are based on first generation control technology, and for various reasons, they are now in need of renewal....

Travel Time Data Fusion in Advance
The ADVANCE project in the Chicago metropolitan area is one of several ATIS operational tests currently underway in the USA and abroad. Fusion of equipped vehicle (probes) travel time...

AVL's Future Holds Little Value without Integrated Data Communications for Total Mobile Resource Management
The future of automatic vehicle location (AVL) lies in broadening its definition for greater market acceptance and applicability. AVL by itself is for limited utility. To solve real-world...

Freeway Control Systems for Using Section-Related Traffic Variable Detection
Traffic control systems for freeways are described which use section-related traffic variable measurement techniques. For deriving section-related variables feature sequence of a vehicle...

Using VRC Data for Incident Detection
Most existing incident detection algorithms use inductive loops, a relatively old sensor technology that obtains data at specific points along the roadway. This paper discusses the use...

Field Implementation and Testing of a Machine Vision Based Incident Detection System
This paper contains test results of a video detection device installed in the field for over two years and the development and field deployment of an incident detection sysytems called...





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