Minnesota Guidestar?Progress Towards a Statewide Intelligent Transportatin System
by James L. Wright, Minnesota Guidestar, St. Paul, United States,Eugene E. Ofstead, Minnesota Guidestar, St. Paul, United States,
Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Pacific Rim TransTech Conference: Volume I: Advanced Technologies
Minnesota Guidestar is seeking to develop a truly statewide intelligent transportation system. The pursuit of this goal necessitates the testing and evaluation of a number of different technologies. Each technology will potentially represent one component of this statewide system. In building an IVHS program which addresses the evaluation of multiple technologies, Mn/DOT and its partners have realized the importance of a comprehensive management framework. Significant emphasis has therefore been placed on developing such a framework. An Organizational structure has been developed which ensures that each participant in the program has access to the management decisions. Public and private sector partners alike are encouraged to be in all such decisions.
Subject Headings: Intelligent transportation systems | Public private partnership | Vehicles | Highway transportation | Transportation management | Systems management | Public transportation | Minnesota | United States
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