Water Resource Management on the Texas High Plains: Controlled Chaos or a Model of Efficiency?
Rarely is a region's social and economic well-being more closely tied to a particular resource than on the semi-arid Texas High Plains, where the water supply is variable, often limited...

Kern County Water Agency?1991 Emergency Ground Water Recovery Program
The 1991 Emergency Ground Water Recovery Program was conceived and implemented by the Kern County Water Agency to deliver water to four water districts to save permanent crops. The Program...

GIS Utilization for Analysis of District Drainage Water Recycling
An ARC-INFO GIS system was used to identify physical drainage facilities in a 32,000 ha area of the San Joaquin Valley of California. Once the drainage facilities and linkages were established,...

A GIS Based, Pilot Scale, Wellhead Protection Project for Southern New Mexico
The 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) mandated that each state develop a wellhead protection program. Wellhead protection (WHP) means the protection of groundwater...

Strategies to Preserve Endangered Salmon in the Columbia River
The recent listing of some Snake River salmon stocks as threatened and endangered has forcefully brought Pacific Northwest resource interests together to seek solutions to preserve the...

USDA Actions to Replace Wildlife Values Lost Due to Irrigation Improvements ? Colorado Salinity Program
USDA is challenged by the conflict generated within the environmental community between advocates wanting irrigation water conservation and water quality improvements and those wanting...

Polyacrylamide Decreases Furrow Erosion
Erosion from furrow irrigated land is a serious problem in southern Idaho and several other areas. Polyacrylamide, a very long chain polymer, increases aggregate stability and flocculates...

Impact of Surge Irrigation on Furrow Water Advance
Surge irrigation was compared to continuous flow in Nebraska from 1983 - 1990. As a result of surge irrigation, advance inflow times were reduced an average of 20 percent compared to continuous...

Sustained Yield of the Provo Groundwater Basin
The sustained yield of the Provo Groundwater Basin has been determined by a correlation analysis of the change in groundwater levels with the April-October stream flow at the mouth of...

Modeling the Distinction Between Regional Flow and Flow to Drains
Previous research at the Newlands Agricultural Research Center, in Fallon, Nevada, suggests that the quality of the water flowing to the 15 subsurface drain laterals in related to the...

Nitrogen and Phosphate in Vadose Waters in Heber Valley
During the last decade best management practices have been gradually implemented in Heber Valley to maintain and enhance the qualities of surface waters that flow into Deer Creek Reservoir....

Water Distribution Plan Utah Lake/Jordan River Basin
The Utah Lake/Jordan River basin is comprised of several river systems that are hydrologically related but, for the most part, have been managed and operated separately. To further complicate...

Distribution of Stable Isotopes in Ground Water in the Rialto-Colton Basin, California
Since 1982, imported water originating in the Sierra Nevada has been used to recharge the Rialto-Colton ground-water basin, about 100 km east of Los Angeles. Stable isotopes of oxygen...

Ground Water Management in the Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake County, Utah
The perfected and approved water right applications in Salt Lake Valley could potentially withdraw from the principal aquifer a quantity of water far greater than the annual recharge....

Ground Water Management for Wellhead Protection in a Confined to Semiconfined Aquifer, Salt Lake County, Utah
The 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) established the first nation-wide program to protect ground water resources used for public water supplies. The SDWA seeks to...

Acidity and Chemistry of Arizona's Snowpacks
Acid snow, the frozen version of the acid rain phenomena, has been sampled in several western states, e.g., California, Nevada, Montana, and Oregon. Measurements of snowpack acidity in...

Overland Flow Resistance Estimation from Small-Plot Data
The correct application of physical process models, such as the kinetic wave approximation to shallow overland flow, is dependent upon selection of appropriate values for parameters which...

Primary Metals and Criteria for Water use in the Columbia River, British Columbia
We assessed primarily concentrations of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and water hardness in the Columbia River between Birchbank and Waneta. Water quality in this reach of the river is affected...

Modeling Water Table Response to Climate Change in a Norther Minnesota Peatland
Projections of global warming raise questions concerning the fate of wetlands in many parts of the world. In northern Minnesota, there is concern that the nearly 3 million hectares of...

Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Drought
Drought is difficult to define for common understanding. Several definitions are presented. The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), the Palmer Drought Hydrologic Index (PDHI) and the...





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