Pollutant Transport Through Barriers
Methods of predicting contaminant transport through saturated and unsaturated clayey barriers are reviewed. Particular consideration is given to the relative importance of advection and...

Flow and Mass Transport for Hazardous Waste Liners
Certain aspects of flow and contaminant migration of hazardous liquids through soils are addressed. A fine-grained soil and fluids commonly encountered in hazardous sites, were considered....

Modelling of Contaminant Transport in Clays Via Irreversible Thermodynamics
This study develops a model for the analysis and prediction of contaminant transport in soils using principles of irreversible thermodynamics. The developed model includes five parameters...

Quake Resistant Transport
An approach which begins by assessing the vulnerability of a transportation system's key components can help transportation engineers plan for and limit earthquake damage....

Coastal Sediments
The two-volume Proceedings of Coastal Sediments '87 contain more than 150 full papers delivered at a specialty technical conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers...

Aids for the Hazard Classification of Small Dams
The last few years have seen a large growth in the tools available to the engineer to better determine the risk of failure in earth dams. One of the models developed is the National Weather...

Modeling Cohesive Sediment-Pollutant Interaction in Surface Waters
Particulate and dissolved pollutant transport rates are predicted using a pollutant transport modeling system. The latter is a finite element model capable of simulating two-dimensional...

On the Definition of Fluid Mud
Fluid mud is a near-bed, high density cohesive sediment suspension layer which is a common cause of estuarial and nearshore sedimentation. It is noted that for a given sediment-fluid mixture,...

Simulation of Sediment Transport in Coastal Water
The sediment-contaminant transport code, FETRA, coupled with the hydrodynamic model, CAFE-I; and the wave refraction model, L03D; were applied to Pacific coastal water. The FETRA model...

An Analytical Approach to Cohesive Sediment Transport
Simulation of mud transport processes is adequately achieved by using the unsteady advection-diffusion equation along with the appropriate source and sink terms. The effects of selective...

Suspended Material Transport at New Bedford, MA
Evaluation of suspended material migration was a task in a study of sediment-associated contaminant migration. New Bedford Harbor is a vertically well-mixed, shallow estuary with little...

Numerical Model Evaluation of Advance Maintenance
Improving and maintaining navigation harbors and channels is one of the key functions of the US Army Corps of Engineers. The present cost-sharing system and the increasing costs associated...

Numerical Evaluation of Training Structures
A technique to evaluate estuarine training structure performance in reducing localized maintenance dredging requirements using the US Army Corps of Engineers TABS-2 numerical modeling...

Preliminary Engineering Design of an Artificial Tidal Lagoon System in Kuwait
A coastal resort project was planned for a 30 hectare site along the Arabian Gulf approximately 69 km south of Kuwait City at Dubaiyeh. The master plan, originally developed by Kuwait...

Sedimentation of Summit North Marina Connected to C&D Canal
Possible sedimentation problems at the proposed site of the Summit North Marina were investigated and reported. This brief paper summarizes the detailed results given in the report. The...

Lower Mississippi River Salt Intrusion Modeling
A laterally averaged numerical model called LAEM has been employed for both a 40- and 55-ft channel. In addition, LAEM has been applied with an increased height of the natural river crossing...

Carichar?Mobile Bed Modeling with Graded Sediments
CARICHAR is a new system used for the computation of sediment transport. The coupled calculation of both water and graded sediments transport allows the simulation of sorting and armoring...

GLVHT Model Verification using Field Data
The Generalized, Longitudinal-Vertical Hydrodynamic and Transport model (GLVHT) as developed for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station and described in Buchak...

The Development of Test Cases for Hydrodynamic and Transport Models
This paper reviews the test cases employed by several investigators in the development of two- and three-dimensional finite difference and finite element hydrodynamic and transport models....

A Semianalytical Method for Solving Unsteady Flow Equations
This paper proposes a method that uses conjunctively the Laplace transform for continuous time and finite element for spatial discretization to solve unsteady flow equations. Laplace transforms...





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