Hot Sand for Improved Traction on Icy Roads
Experiments were performed to determine if heating sand prior to spreading it on icy roads would improve the skid resistance of the road more than cold sanding. Tests were made on a full-scale...

Artificial Ice Islands for Deep Water and Production Structures
The need for an island to survive the summer melt season is introduced. To account for surface melting and erosion from waves and currents during this season, the island's...

Drilling Unit Approval and Sea Ice, Alaska OCS
This paper describes types of ice conditions that have been, or could be, encountered while conducting Alaska Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) operations. The types of ice monitoring programs,...

Iceberg Impact Load on a Gravity Based Structure
The mechanics of the eccentric collision of an iceberg against a fixed, rigid, gravity based structure are discussed. A closed form solution is derived for the case of infinite friction...

Stabilization of a Permafrost Subsidence in the Airport Runway at Bethel Alaska
During the construction of the extension to the Bethel Airport runway in 1969, it was necessary to construct a fill across a small gully. The subbase material in the gully contained some...

Design and Monitoring of an Ice Drill Pad
An ice pad was sucessfully designed and built to provide a suitable foundation for an exploratory drill rig in the National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska in early 1985. Design considerations...

A Self-Refrigerated Gravel Pad Foundation for Large Thermal Loads
Design criteria for a proposed power plant at Thule Air Force Base, Greenland, involved both large thermal loads from the diesel engines and large static loads from an eight foot thick...

Snow Load Design for Colorado Mountains
During the past decade, Colorado mountain construction has experienced a period of rapid growth. New ski resorts and other business developments have resulted in many new facilities. For...

Reinforced Roads Bridging Voids
A mathematical model was developed to design a pavement section reinforced with a geotextile or related product to span a void. A full scale field test was conducted to verify the model....

Ice Cover Research?Present State and Future Needs
Presentation reviews, at first, a number of problem areas in ice engineering, such as the determination of vertical and horizontal forces floating ice covers exert on fixed structures,...

Massive Ice Detection by Earth Resistivity
This paper presents two case histories utilizing remote sensing earth resistivity equipment to target subsurface massive ice locations. In one case, a number of probe locations were made...

Frazil Ice Problems in Intakes at Montreal
Intakes located in reaches of the St. Lawrence River that stay open all winter can be subjected to frazil ice formation for nearly three months. The City of Montreal intake is a key example...

The Transport of Crude Oil Under Saline Ice
A mathematical model was developed to describe the forces acting on an oil slick under saline ice in the presence of a water current. The model was verified through a set of laboratory...

Wave Forces on an Arctic Monotower Platform
At offshore lease sites located along the western coast of Alaska, longer periods of open water can be expected. As a result, wave induced hydrodynamic loading will become a more significant...

Bearing Capacity Calculations for Piles in Permafrost
Small-scale model piles frozen in various soils were tested at constant rates of displacement and constant load. The derived values were used to calculate the maximum allowable stress...

Upper Delaware River Ice Control?A Case Study
During February 1981 a castastrophic breakup ice jam occurred along a reach of the Delaware River near Port Jervis, NY, causing 14. 5 million in damages. In February 1982 another breakup...

Dynamics of Machine Foundation
The art of designing machine foundations, supporting vibratory load has changed from the approximate rule-of-thumb to the scientifically sound engineering procedure. However, the vast...

Interactive Analysis and Design Program for Girder Bridges
An interactive microcomputer program for the analysis, design, and rating of girder bridges is presented. The program, GBRIDGE, is user-friendly, menu-driven, and developed in modular...

Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction by the Boundary Element Method: A Comparison Study
A comparison study of three Boundary Element Method approaches is attempted on the basis of a typical three-dimensional, dynamic soil-structure interaction problem. The vertical transient...

Solving Finite Element Structural Dynamic Problems on Small Computers Using Semi-Explicit Methods
Numerical techniques based on the partial decomposition of a coefficient matrix, are developed for structural dynamic problems. Improved iterative techniques are discussed which could...





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