Integrated Design and Construction Planning by Knowledge-based Systems
The main objective of this paper is to describe applications of knowledge-based systems for the improvement of planning and management efficiency at the early design stage, and to propose...

Typification and Evaluation in Design
Recently, writers on design theory have characterized the design process as an interaction between broad categories of design knowledge and their application in unique situations. The...

Implicit Design Knowledge and its Impact on Cost Estimating
Construction cost estimating experiences negative impacts due to a design-construction gap created by the fragmented nature of the AEC industry. Most of the design knowledge and data that...

Conceptual Model for a Site Operations Control System
This study discusses a conceptual model for designing an on-site management control system. Capabilities of this proposed Site Operations Control System (SOCS) include a mechanism for...

Globalization and its Impact on Construction Technology
The nature of international construction markets is changing. Competition is yielding to the concept of globalization. This paper discusses some of the issues which constitute topics of...

Computer Data Exchange Using National and International Standards
There is a need within the construction industry to electronically transmit standard documents between designers, owners, contractors, and material suppliers. Ideally, the transmission...

3D Computer Modeling & Animation for Marketing of Project Services
Three-dimensional (3D) computer modeling and animation are increasingly being utilized in the Engineering and Construction industry for the marketing of project services. Like 2D, 3D modeling...

Computer-Integrated Construction and the Building Life Cycle
This presentation will discuss the computer-integrated construction (CIC) movement, where this movement is heading, how current CIC software products meet the needs of today's...

The Impact of User Interfaces on CAD Systems
The generation of architectural layouts through knowledge-based techniques forms a notable focus in design research efforts. A significant aspect of this research centers upon the development...

Electronic Communication Between Project Participants
Fragmentation in the U.S. construction industry is perceived as one of the major contributors to reduced productivity. Lack of communication may be the main difficulty. Communication is...

An Object-Oriented Simulation System for Construction Process Planning
This paper presents an object-oriented simulation system designed to integrate specific construction knowledge into construction process planning. Using the object-oriented representation,...

Site Layout: Where Should it Go?
Site layout is mostly treated as a task independent of other resource allocation tasks such as those that are traditionally associated with construction planning and scheduling. Yet, the...

Construction Technology/Method Identification and Selection System
The proliferation of construction technology and the characteristics of technology information, such as complexity, interdependency, etc., pose the need for a well-organized technology...

Resource-Driven Scheduling
As the project management techniques get applied to more and more human resource intensive projects, the topic of more effective resource planning has become one of the major issues in...

Integration of CAD and Material Control
The purpose of this paper is to address the relationship between CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings and the material control software. Computer generated drawings have the ability to...

3-D Positioning for Construction Surveying and Automation
Three-dimensional real-time positioning is a critical requirement to allow for improved surveying and autonomous vehicle control. Given such a system and a project data link, multiple...

Smart Exception Reporting
Project control systems that contain a degree of 'intelligence' are possible with today's technologies. At the same time project controls engineers...

Integrated Cost and Schedule Control Automation
Effective management of construction projects depends on good access to and control of data, especially data pertaining to cost and schedule control functions. Long recognizing the need...

Computer Assisted Claims Management and Preparation for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Interest in improving dispute resolution has risen steadily in recent years. Several U.S. government agencies have begun experimenting with alternative means of dispute resolution, such...

Construction Quality Management
The Resident Management System (RMS) is a microcomputer based quality management and contract administration system designed specifically for resident engineers, by the Los Angeles District,...





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