Long-Term Effects of Urban Stormwater on Wetlands
In 1986 scientists and managers associated with local, state, and federal agencies that have wetland protection and stormwater management responsibilities in the region joined to consider...

Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
A need for international and interdisciplinary technology transfer on the subject of artificial recharge resulted in the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Irrigation...

Monitoring for Hazardous Waste Leaks
It is safer and cheaper to keep hazardous wastes out of the groundwater and the ground than to remove them. But better monitoring will be required. In this three-part article, the first...

Burying the Nuclear Past
The Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Program involves reclaiming 24 tailings piles. The work is done in terms of Federal Legislation to prtect the environment and people from the...

Courting Public Opinion
Promoting good community relations is an integral part of hazardous waste projects. Before field investigations are conducted, neighboring communities should be advised of the proposed...

Managing Dioxin
Dioxins, among the most toxic compounds known to man, are by-products from production of other chemical products. There are currently about 5000 metric tons of dioxin-containing wastes...

Superfund: Oh What a Relief It Isn't
A growing number of environmental engineers are conducting studies to evaluate the competence of waste disposal operations. Waste generators that rely on these studies in their selection...

Regulations Target Underground Tanks
When Congress passed the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984, (RCRA), underground storage tanks were considered to be a major threat to the country's water supplies....

A Watery Grave
Subseabed disposal may be the most acceptable means of dealing with radioactive wastes. Land disposal sites are difficult to find and politically difficult to use. Little research has...

Extent of Ground Water Contamination in the U.S.: An Overview
The contamination of ground water may result from all aspects of human activities: agriculture, industry, transportation, domestic wastes and resource exploitation. The contamination due...

Survey of Groundwater Contamination in Massachusetts
Public water supplies in Massachusetts have been contaminated or threatened from a number of sources. The purpose of this paper is to outline the nature of groundwater contamination and...

A Call for New Directions in Drilling and Sampling Monitoring Wells
The hollow-stem auger drilling technique has an inherent limitation of disturbing large volumes of subsurface materials around the borehole, thereby possibly affecting local permeabilities...

Control of Groundwater Contamination: Case Studies
Engineered solutions to groundwater contamination problems are being proposed at many hazardous waste sites, yet the effectiveness and long-term reliability of many of these proposed solutions...

When to Remediate: Remediation or Reparations
The 1986 reauthorization of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Superfund) forcefully stated Congress' desire to see our nations hazardous...

Physical and Chemical Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater at Hazardous Waste Sites
In selecting an appropriate groundwater treatment system, three steps are normally followed. 1. A groundwater investigation is performed to determine the types and concentrations of contaminants...

The Impacts of CERCLA, RCRA and State Programs on Site Remediation: A Case Study
The major federal programs requiring ground water remedial response actions include RCRA and CERCLA. On the state level New Jersey law makers have enacted a number of statutes which regulate...

Environmental Considerations to Channel Dredging
In this paper two principal areas of environmental concern were investigated. The first is the physical impact of dredging and deposition of solid materials causing turbidity on aquatic...

Nuclear Waste Dumping in the Ocean?Is It Over?
At the Ninth Consultative meeting of the London Dumping Convention (LDC) in September, 1985, the nations of the world voted to indefinitely continue a two year moratorium prohibiting the...

Ocean Incineration?A Burning Issue (With Emphasis on the Sea-Surface Microlayer)
Ocean incineration of hazardous wastes has been encouraged by the Environmental Protection Agency. Many scientists as well as other citizens are concerned that potential impacts have not...

Leachate Migration from a Solid Waste Disposal Facility Near Biscayne National Park, South Florida (abstract)s
Leachate from the Dade County Solid Waste Disposal Facility (SWDF) is migrating to the east (seaward) and to the south from the currently active disposal cell. Water levels and ground-water...





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