Courting Public Opinion

by Udai P. Singh, (M.ASCE), Water Resources Engr.; CH2M-Hill, 2200 Powell St., Emeryville, CA 94608,
James E. Orban, Environmental Engr.; U.S. EPA, 345 Courtland St., Atlanta, GA 30365,
Nancy R. Tuor, Community Relations Coordinator; CH2M-Hill, P.O. Box 4400, ASCE World Headquarters, 345 East 47th Street, New York City, NY.22090,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1987, Vol. 57, Issue 2, Pg. 58-59

Document Type: Feature article


Promoting good community relations is an integral part of hazardous waste projects. Before field investigations are conducted, neighboring communities should be advised of the proposed work and of hazards the site might pose to them. A site-specific community relations plan can fulfill these objectives. Successful implementation and completion of hazardous waste projects depends on eliciting, documenting and providing serious consideration to comments and concerns from local residents, officials and community or environmental groups. Techniques used during the Biscayne Aquifer project in southeast Florida contributed significantly to better community relations.

Subject Headings: Public health and safety | Project management | Site investigation | Occupational safety | Hazardous wastes | Field tests | Public opinion and participation

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