Building Motion in Wind
The trend towards higher structural efficiency and hence lower cost has resulted in a generation of lighter and more flexible buildings with a lower inherent capacity for energy dissipation...

Terzaghi Lectures
Sponsored by the Executive Committee of the Geotechnical Engineering Division of ASCE. This Geotechnical Special Publication contains eight lectures...

Seepage Studies Using Tracers and the Self Potential Test
Mill Creek Dam, a homogeneous silt structure resting on a conglomerate foundation, has experienced severe 'seepage since its construction in 1941. In 1981, a concrete cutoff...

Taming Lively Buildings
Mechanical damping systems are increasingly being used for controlling dynamic responses of tall buildings. Several types of dampers are described, and compared, beginning with the three...

Low Head Filtration Removal Efficiencies of Giardia Cysts, Coliform Bacteria, and Turbidity From Low Turbidity Water
The removal of Giardia cysts from low turbidity waters is of great concern in many areas of the United States. A pilot program was undertaken to determine if an established low head filtration...

Models of Organics Transport Through Soil Columns
A mathematical model is proposed for the transfer of organic solutes in soil. Two cases are considered namely transport of non-adsorptive solutes and transport of adsorptive solutes. Comparative-study...

Modeling the Movement of Volatile Organic Chemicals with Unsaturated Flow
Over the past decade, the rate of groundwater contamination by volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) has increased. Therefore, for both groundwater protection and cleanup, it is necessary...

Modeling Dispersion in Non-Homogenous Formations
A stochastic model of contaminant mixing in non-homogeneous porous media has been developed. The model is three dimensional and relates the contaminant distribution to the probability...

Viscoplastic Fluid Model for Debris Flow Routing
This paper describes how a generalized viscoplastic fluid model, which was developed based on non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, can be successfully applied to routing a debris flow down a...

Generalized Methodology for Simulating Mudflows
In this paper, a one-dimensional dynamic flood-routing model, for non-Newtonian fluid properties, is described and applied to two different mudflow events: Holbrook Canyon, Utah, and Mount...

Responsibility/Liability Related to Mudflows/Debris Flows
The combined experiences of the authors during the past few decades indicate that many of the problems and losses related to damage from floods, landslides, mud/debris flows, and water-related...

Optimizing Drain Spacing and Depth Using Steady State Equations
A method is developed for minimizing the total cost of establishing relief drains by choosing appropriate depth and spacing of the drains. Solution graphs are presented for a wide range...

Coupling Free Vortex Energy Dissipation with Sediment Control
The paper reports on studies showing that sediment control down to the abrasive limit of 30 micron sand and energy dissipation can be achieved simultaneously with a Teacup free vortex...

Parameter Optimization of Dynamic Routing Models
The methodology utilizes approximate cross-sectional properties represented by separate power functions for channel and floodplain, and a very efficient optimization algorithm for determining...

A Proposed Desilting Reservoir System in Taiwan
The paper discusses the design of a desilting system for Nanhwa reservoir, in which the reservoir is divided into two bays; water flows into the forebay for sedimentation and then over...

Toe Drain System?Barr and Milton Reservoirs, CO
The purpose of this paper is to describe the design and construction of toe drains in difficult soil conditions for two 70 plus year old dams in Colorado using a unique toe drain installation...

Sedimentation Processes in Hydrosystems, Numerical-Empirical Modeling
This paper presents the results of a newly developed computer simulation model for studying the sedimentation processes in a variety of hydrosystems. The most effective numerical methodology...

Estimation and Inference in the Inverse Problem
The estimation of groundwater flow and mass transport parameters is approached via maximum likelihood. Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests as well as the asymptotic properties of...

Mixed Solute Interactions in Groundwater Systems
Research results are presented from a study examining the competitive sorption effects of two organic chemicals, para-dichlorobenzene and 2,4-dichlorophenol, to solids from the Cohansey...

Optimization, Simulation and Multiobjective Analysis of Operating Rules for Reservoir Systems
In this paper, three steps are proposed for establishing reservoir operating rules which can be used in real-time without flow forecasting. In the first step, optimization models are used...





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