NAPL and Contaminant Transport in the Soil Matrix
A one-dimensional multiphase mass transport model for the migration of a Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) containing sparingly water soluble organics in the unsaturated soil zone is described....

Surface Water Particles: Coagulation and Sorption
A size-dependent particle and particle-associated contaminant transport and fate model is presented. The unsteady, two-dimensional model couples the water column and bed and enables analysis...

Trio of Microcomputer Models for Organic Chemical Transport in Rivers
Three microcomputer models have been jointly developed to provide tools to simulate the fate of organic chemicals in river systems. The three models offer a range of complexities and data...

Modeling of Nitrate Transport Coupled Dentrification in the Saturated Zone
A numerical model for simulating nitrate transport coupled to microbial activity in the saturated zone is presented. A coupled system of equations describes the transport and microbial...

An Interactive Microcomputer Program for One-Dimensional Solute Transport in Saturated Soil-Water Systems
This paper presents a user-friendly microcomputer program for one-dimensional solute transport in saturated soil-water systems. Eight different types of adsorption isotherms, ranging from...

The Water Erosion Prediction Project: Erosion Processes
The erosion process on hillslopes is conceptualized in the USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) as being divided into rill and interrill processes. Rill detachment occurs when...

Water Erosion Prediction Project Operational Computer Program
The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) is a physically-based model to improve on-site erosion prediction techniques. It is designed to replace the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE)...

A Tale of Two Subjects: Modern Physics and River Mechanics
The Einsteins, father and son, made some of the greatest contributions to physics and to river mechanics, respectively. The modern phases of these two subjects are of roughly equal age....

The State of Art of Physical Modelling of Sediment Transport
The paper attempts formula some ideas about the state of the art in the field of physical modelling of sediment transport processes. Up to now the physics of sediment transport are not...

The State of the Art in Sediment Transport Modelling
The physical understanding and mathematical modelling of the water and sediment motion in rivers, estuaries and coastal waters have made much progress in recent years by various research...

Total Sediment Transport and Its Physical and Mathematical Modeling
Some main results in the field of sediment transport theories obtained by the author are presented. Based on these theories, the methods of physical and mathematical modeling for total...

Quasi-3D and Fully 3-D Modelling of Suspended Sediment Transport
The influence of different velocity and eddy viscosity fields on the computation of suspended sediment concentration and sediment transport rates, is presented here. Two different mathematical...

Numerical Modeling of Suspended Sediment Transport
Validity domain of hypothesis of depth integration has been approached by comparison of results of depth integrated model with complete vertical models. Use of shape functions to represent...

Advances in Computational Mobile-Bed Hydraulics
A new conceptual approach to one-dimensional mobile-bed simulation is briefly described, along with two demonstrative examples. The approach is based on fully coupled solution of the unsteady...

Quasi-2D Transport and Morphological Forecasting in Large River Systems
Unused potentials of 1D morphological, and transport models were applied to predict not only the longitudinal but also the transverse distribution of concentrations and natural river bed...

Bed Waves Generated by Internal Waves in Alluvial Channels
The flow in an alluvial channel is conceived as a stratified flow both with respect to the velocity- and density-distribution. In such flows internal waves may occur which influence the...

A Tracer-Model for Morphological Simulations of an Estuary
Numerical models for longterm morphological simulations are traditionally based on assumptions like vertical integration of the flow and transport equations and their decoupled treatment....

New Developments About Mud Transport Models. Application to a Macrotidal Estuary
In order to assess the fate of fine particles and adsorbed contaminants due to tidal forcing in estuaries, a mathematical modeling system for cohesive suspended matter transport and bottom...

On the Numerical Simulation of Suspended Sediment Transport in Estuaries
Estuarine fine sediment transport is governed by a wide range of hydrological, chemical and biological parameters including baroclinic circulation, tidal pumping, resuspension, deposition,...

Storms and the Occurrence of a Turbidity Interface/Maxima in a Fresh Water Estuary
A combination of Landsat, field data and modeling analyses reveals a turbidity interface/maxima in the lower reaches of a freshwater tributary or 'estuary.' Mode...





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