Designing for Shock Resistance
If a product or structure is subject to shock loadings, and is unable to take them without unacceptable damage, it must be insulated from the shock. The decision may be to redesign the...

Isolating Earthquakes
The Foothills Communities Law and Justice Center in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., is the first U.S. building to rest on base isolators for protection against a possible earthquake of 8.3 Richter....

Designing for High Technology Use
Four papers are presented detailing factors and/or case studies on high technology facilities. The authors represent different points of view. An owner discusses the three phases of the...

James B. Francis and the Northern Canal
Lowell became America's first great industrial city because of the power of the Pawtucket Falls and the efforts of an amazing group of engineers, industrialists, and workers....

Meeting the Infrastructure Challenge of the 1980's
The future of the nation demands a solution to critical infrastructure problem. The public works facilities must be maintained, restored, and added to. The condition of these facilities...

Technology and the Infrastructure Problem
Improvements in infrastructure services are modest, zero, or negative depending on the system examined. Using air transportation as an example, lack of improvement is attributed to constraints...

The State's Prospects for Infrastructure Rehabilitation
In November 1982, at Governor Spellman's initiative, Washington State became one of six states participating in the National Infrastructure Analysis, sponsored by the Joint...

Who is Managing the Rebuilding of our Infrastructure
Determining the nationwide infrastructure needs and identifying the organizations responsible for this assessment are complex processes. Yet, if this nation is to have an organized, orderly...

Deep Water Bering Sea Development Concepts
A brief description of the major environmental factors that a structure used to produce oil and gas in the deep water Bering Sea would have to cope with is presented. In particular, the...

Multi-Truss Design for Tower
A modified structural steel system of outrigger trusses and belt trusses bolster the 54-story Equitable Tower West. Located in New York City, the building's structural system...

Management Secrets of Top Consultants
Leaders of five consulting civil engineering firms, which are considered among the best managed, discuss management strategies. In all cases, carefully selected personnel is considered...

Structural Considerations for a Radwaste Facility
The structural engineer needs to consider several criteria when designing a radioactive-waste processing facility in order to properly balance the requirements of safety and economy. This...

Seismic Pope Support Construction Practices
During the mid 1970's the regulatory agencies controlling the design and construction of nuclear power plants began to demand stricter adherence to already existing codes...

The Prudency Management Audit: A New Challenge for the Civil Engineer
The Nuclear Industry, particularly utilities and their constructor, engineering and vendor agents, is faced with a surging increase in Prudency Management Audits. Such Audits are often...

Civil Engineering Challenge with Nuclear Waste
The planning, design and construction of the ground surface facilities for a nuclear waste repository involves civil engineering in many ways. The transportation of heavy, metal shielded...

Skyscraper (review)
The 1984 novel Skyscraper, by civil engineer-writer Robert Byrne, tells the suspenseful story of the collapse of a new, 66 story skyscraper...

Making Treatment Plants Work
For the most part, past design criteria that have been used were based primarily on historical information from plants that worked or general rule of thumb criteria. With the increasing...

Managing Major Transit Construction Projects
Building rapid transit systems is a regular and ongoing world wide occurrence. However, for cities initiating first time transit system development it is truly a unique experience. Initiating...

Probability-Based Load Criteria for Structural Design
Load criteria for use in limit states design of structures are developed using probabilistic methods. Statistical data on load and strengths are integrated by the reliability analysis...

Design Considerations for Wind Loadings
The application of reliability concepts to the treatment of wind loadings on structures has increased in the past several years. Advances have been made in assessing the various uncertainties...





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