Model-Prototype Correlation of Hydraulic Structures
Forty-three papers are contained in these proceedings, from the International Symposium on Model-Prototype Correlation of Hydraulic Structures. The papers cover a broad range of subjects...

Hydraulic Fill Structures
This volume contains 53 papers covering many aspects of hydraulic fill structures with special emphasis on geotechnical issues. The papers present an excellent review of historical development,...

Hydraulic Engineering
The papers in this book were presented at the National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, August, 1988, Colorado Springs, Colorado. The objective of this conference was to provide a...

New Found Youth for an Old Foundry
The Grey Iron plant, central foundry division of General Motors Corp., in Saginaw, Mich. conducted a study to evaluate the capacity and tooling of future casting operations of the more...

Basis for Design of Wet Detention Basin BMP's
Two different approaches have typically been used to formulate design criteria for wet detention basin best management practices (BMP's). One approach relies upon solids settling...

Monitoring and Design of Stormwater Control Basins
The City of Austin, Texas, has played a pioneering role in the control of urban nonpoint source pollution by enacting watershed and stormwater ordinances, overseeing detailed monitoring...

Source Tracing of Toxicants in Storm Drains
Sources of toxic chemicals in storm drains are often difficult to locate and even more difficult to control. Receiving environment chemistry, storm drainage maps, land use information,...

Hydraulic Effect of Turbid Water Infiltration Through a Shallow Basin
A 225 m2 test basin was operated from September 1986 through October, 1987, to determine the hydraulic effects of turbid water application. Initial...

Analysis of Hydraulic Impacts at the Tucson Reclaimed Water Recharge Project
The Tucson Reclaimed Water Recharge site has been implemented with increasingly sophisticated calculation methods as data collection efforts advanced. Initial project scoping utilized...

Artificial Recharge to the Floridan Aquifer System, Orlando Area, Central Florida
Approximately 400 drainage wells exist in Orange County, central Florida. The rate of recharge through drainage wells is limited by the rate of surface flow to the wells; the hydraulic...

Artificial Recharge of the Heretaunga Plains Aquifer Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
The Heretaunga Plains groundwater system in the Hawke's Bay region of New Zealand, is naturally recharged from the nearby Ngaruroro River at the approximate rate of 5.5m3/sec....

Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
A need for international and interdisciplinary technology transfer on the subject of artificial recharge resulted in the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Irrigation...

The Road to Drained Pavements
In California, a fast-draining base course within the pavement structure is now the preferred design. For the first time, the 1987 edition of the California Highway Design Manual recommends...

Dispersive Soil and its Influence on the Design of Reach 1A of the Tucson Aqueduct?Central Arizona Project
An extensive geotechnical field exploration and laboratory testing program was conducted because of dispersive and erosive soils along the alignment of the canal. The canal design was...

Design Considerations for a Navigational Channel
The hydraulic feasibility of the proposed navigation channel from Shuwaikh to the offshore area in Sulaibikhat Bay was studied. Channel width and alignment were determined considering...

A Successful Merging of Scientific Research and Public Participation
This paper describes the on-going programs at the US Army Corps of Engineers' San Francisco Bay-Delta Model and Visitor Center that aim to broaden the general public's...

Beach Nourishment at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: An Overview
The purpose of this paper is to summarize the Myrtle Beach nourishment project as it proceeded from the geotechnical evaluation of potential borrow sands, to permitting and design, and...

Artificial Beach Design, Lake Forest, Illinois
A system of beaches and offshore breakwaters was designed to protect eroding bluffs along the shoreline of the City of Lake Forest. The beach system consists of sand fill contained by...

Sand Bypass System at Oceanside, California
This paper describes the design and development of an experimental sand bypassing and channel maintenance system using jet pumps and fluidizers. The system was developed as a possible...

Coastal Dunes for Protection and Sand Resources
Massive mining of dune sand on the north coast of Puerto Rico has impaired the natural ability of the dunes to protect the coast from high waves and long-term erosion. This paper presents...





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