Stochastic Analysis and Modeling Levels of a Land-Locked Lake for Resource Development
Lakes are valuable natural resources that can be tapped for recreational, agricultural and other extensive lake side developments. Natural variability of lake levels is an important factor...

Micros Can't Stand Alone
Unlike mainframes, which usually come as turnkey systems, microcomputers require separate accessories. Add-ons for micros include storage devices, memory boards, video boards, communication...

Coastal Engineering Abstracts 1984
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Coastal Engineering held in Houston, Texas, September 3-7, 1984. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Institute...

Superplasticized Concrete Takes Off in Dallas
Some engineers are calling superplasticized concrete the most important advance in concrete technology in over three decades. Over the past four years superplasticized concrete has begun...

Activated Sludge
A Comparison of Oxygen and Air Systems
The use of pure oxygen in biological wastewater treatment is the only major advance which has occurred in the area of activated sludge treatment since the early 1960's. Furthermore,...

Design of Port and Coastal Structures for Ice Forces
Design of ice-affected port and coastal structures cannot be addressed in a few single specific terms, but must instead account for a matrix of elements differing at each site. Evaluation...

A Dynamic Communication Technique for Civil Engineers
Since being able to communicate with clients, especially during the initial proposal presentation is vital to securing work for the civil engineer, a dynamic communication technique for...

Structural Lumber: An Overview of Research Needs
Structural performance of lumber is influenced by the processing steps from forest to final end-use and by the end-use environment. Research needs in processing include: 1) selection of...

EPA's Nationwide Urban Runoff Program Designed to Produce Useful Results
EPA's Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) is composed of 28 projects which are obtaining data on the significance and control of urban runoff to aid federal, state, and...

Research and Development for Increased Productivity�Where We Must Go
A well-focused research and development activity must be the essential foundation of any long-range success in maintaining high and increasing productivity in manufacturing, the efficient...

Emerging High Performance Structural Plastic Technology
Structural plastics have forced their growth by better performance over conventional materials in hostile environments. Demand by industry for increased life of process equipment and structures...

Water Forum '81
One hundred seventy-one papers that were part of the American Society of Civil Engineer's 1981 specialty conference on water issues are included. The publication is presented...

EPA Moving to control Industrial Toxic Pollutants with New NPDES Permits
To date, the main thrust of the nation's water pollution control program has been to abate traditional pollutants (biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, and heavy...

Mix Design Formulas for Recycled Hot-Asphalt Plant Mixtures
The design of recycled asphalt paving mixtures is compounded by the amount of asphalt and its properties in the reclaimed asphalt pavement. Formulas are presented for proportioning the...

Construction of Power Generation Facilities
The impact of the present construction practice, codes, standards and regulations on the construction of power generation facilities is reviewed and examined in papers presented at the...

Whither Satellite Remote Sensing�II�
For about six years, NASA SERTS (now called Landsat) satellites have been circling the globe, radioing back digital information on what they see on earth. After being massaged by computer,...

Largest Rotating Biological Contactor Plant Also First to Remove Nitrogen
Orlando, Florida is now constructing a new advanced waste treatment plant that removes both nitrogen and phosphorus to a high level. The plant is notable because it is the largest rotating...

New York: Water City
New York's waterfront (some 584 miles) is its most impressive natural resource and its biggest management headache. In Manhattan, changes in waterfront technology (container...

Will EPA Relax Its Mandatory Secondary Treatment Requirement�
In the Clean Water Act of 1977, Congress said that under some circumstances communities discharging to marine waters might not have to provide full secondary treatment. At the present...

EPA Goes to BAT Against Toxic Industrial Wastewater
Industrial wastewater discharged into municipal sanitary sewers can pass untreated through the treatment plant and into the receiving water. Some industrial wastes can also harm biological...





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