Nomenclature for Hydraulics
This manual, Nomenclature for Hydraulics, compiles a wide range of information and vocabulary into an orderly, easy to read format. Topics...

Report on Highway and Bridge Surveys
The principle purpose of this report, Report on Highway and Bridge Surveys, is to provide a working guide for the highway engineer in designing...

American Society of Civil Engineers
Directory 1962
Membership lists as of March 15, 1962...

Ground Water Basin Management
The purpose of this manual, Ground Water Basin Management, is to focus attention upon one particular phase of the hydrologic cycleground water....

Design of Structures to Resist Nuclear Weapons Effects
This manual, Design of Structures to Resist Nuclear Weapons Effects, was written for the use of the engineering profession in the design of...

ASCE Cumulative Index to ASCE Publications 1950-1959
It covers Proceedings 1950-1959 (vol. 76-85), Transactions 1935-1959 (vol, 100-124) and Civil Engineering 1930-1959 (vol. 1-29)....

Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers
This manual, Design and Construction of Sanitary and Storm Sewers, should be considered as an aid to the practicing engineer as a check list...

Sewage Treatment Plant Design
The purpose of this manual, Sewage Treatment Plant Design, is to summarize and interpret contemporary practice in the design of sewage treatment...

Private Practice of Civil Engineering
This manual, Private Practice of Civil Engineering: For the Use of Engineers and Clients, presents methods in current use throughout the United...

Sanitary Landfill
The purpose of this manual, Sanitary Landfill, is to bring together the desirable and accepted practices relating to the operation of a satisfactory...

A List of Translations of Foreign Literature on Hydraulics
A List of Translations of Foreign Literature on Hydraulics contains titles of translations considered to be of particular interest to civil...

Cost Control and Accounting for Civil Engineers
The purpose of this manual, Cost Control and Accounting for Civil Engineers, is to furnish information on accounting practice with sufficient...

Definitions of Surveying, Mapping, and Related Terms
Over a period of several years, engineers worked to compile and standardize a list of terms that could be applied broadly to surveying and mapping, creating this manual, Definitions...

American Standard Building Code Requirements for Excavations and Foundations
American Standard Building Code Requirements for Excavations and Foundations covers a broad range of relevant issues in building code requirements...

Civil Engineering Through the Ages
Author narrates the history of civil engineering from ancient Egypt to the present....

Job Evaluation and Salary Surveys
Job Evaluation and Salary Surveys answers many questions about job evaluation, like what is job evaluation? Why is job evaluation performed?...

Manual of Professional Practice for Civil Engineers
The purpose of this Manual of Professional Practice for Civil Engineers is to acquaint the client with the Code of Ethics of the professional...

Design of Cylindrical Concrete Shell Roofs
Design of Cylindrical Concrete Shell Roofs covers a wide range of information concerning the design of various types of cylindrical concrete...

Fundamental Considerations in Rates and Rate Structures for Water and Sewer Works
This report covers a broad range of research in rates and rate structures for water and sewage works. Topics include elements and functions of water and sewage works, public and private...

Hydrology Handbook
Hydrology Handbook presents extensive information about the hydrologic cycle and engineering responses to it. The handbook is presented as...





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