The Bechtel Edge
by Virginia Fairweather, Editor-in-Chief; Worldwide Projects, 345 E. 47th St., NYC, NY 10017-2398 USA,Serial Information: Worldwide Projects, 1993, Vol. 1, Issue 3, Pg. 12-16
Document Type: Feature article
The Bechtel Group can commit personnel all over the world to seek out and scrutinize business opportunities, and the firm is usually at the top of Engineering News-Record's annual list of contractors. WP interviewed three executives at Bechtel's San Francisco headquarters. Jack W. Lillywhite, manager of project development, Bechtel Civil Co., discusses the pursuit of opportunities in infrastructure privatization, including the creation of a joint venture, United Infrastructure, with Peter Kiewit of Canada. He comments that Mexico, Hungary and Czechoslovakia appear to be promising markets. Malcolm Friedman, vice president, Bechtel Financial Services Inc., discusses the role of arranging financing and taking equity stakes in projects, as well as opportunities in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Dick Peecook, manager, procurement operations, Bechtel Group, Inc., talks about Bechtel's extensive procurement resources, including the ability to mobilize quickly and to support megaprojects in remote areas.
Subject Headings: Project management | Procurement | Managers | Infrastructure | Privatization | Joint ventures | Financing
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