State Capacity to Plan and Manage for the Protection of Tidal Wetlands?An Assessment and Recommendations

by Lani Lee Malysa, Univ of Central Arkansas, Conway, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Coastal Zone '93


As states continue to assume major planning and management authority for the protection of coastal natural resources, such as wetlands, a key issue becomes the ability or 'capacity' of states to perform problem-solving strategies necessary for coastal protection. This research is based upon suggestions that a strong need exists in coastal research for studies dealing with the notion of 'state capacity' to deal with coastal-related issues-especially studies enabling systematic comparison among states. A framework to use in assessing state capacity, as well as a quantitative assessment of levels of state tidal wetlands planning and management capacity for the Chesapeake Bay states of Virginia and Maryland is offered.

Subject Headings: Wetlands (coastal) | Coastal management | Tides | Resource management | Natural resources | Comparative studies | Bays | United States | Virginia | Maryland

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