Signing Systems: Directional, Identity, and Graphic Systems for the Port of Long Beach
by Mackey W. Deasy, Morris/Deasy/Partners, Long Beach, United States,Wayne Hunt, Morris/Deasy/Partners, Long Beach, United States,
Louis Rubenstein, Morris/Deasy/Partners, Long Beach, United States,
Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Ports '92
The authors have developed (in conjunction with Port staff) a revolutionary roadside communication system for The Port of Long Beach. The system includes: Renamed piers for easier understanding at street level. Renumbered berths to correspond with new pier names. Renamed area streets and roads to support circulation system. A system of pier-based roadside signs designed to reduce visual clutter and eliminate the need for dozens of existing signs. A nomenclature system that creates a simple, memorable letter/number combination for most destinations in the Port. A low cost 'smart' map for truck drivers accessible at several levels. Freestanding multi-media information stations for driver orientation. (future) Provision for Port expansion plans to the year 2020.
Subject Headings: Ports and harbors | Streets | Piers | Communication systems | Trucks | Mapping | Intelligent transportation systems
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