Instant Design

by Paul Tarricone, Asst. Editor; Civil Engineering Magazine, ASCE World Headquarters, 345 East 47th Street, New York City, NY.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1990, Vol. 60, Issue 6, Pg. 39-41

Document Type: Feature article


The evolution of computer software and automation is clearly changing site analysis and design: The time needed to create plans has been radically reduced, myriad design options can now be produced in less time than it takes to complete one manually, calculations have become more accurate, the firm's efficiency is markedly improved and man-hour rates may be slashed for the client. Many experts feel that automation reflects the engineers' all-encompassing job description-from feasibility studies to earthwork analysis to placing final monuments. Others believe automation is currently best-suited for eliminating the drudging of redrawing lines that are common to a set of plans, e.g., parking spaces or building lines. Widespread automation is evident in its variety of applications, including landfill, shopping center and army base design.

Subject Headings: Automation and robotics | Feasibility studies | Site investigation | Shopping centers | Parking facilities | Monuments | Landfills

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