The Making of Minority Engineers

by Lee Browne, Lecturer and Director; Secondary School Relations, Calif. Inst. of Tech., Pasaddena, Calif.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1980, Vol. 50, Issue 10, Pg. 131-134

Document Type: Feature article


In order to increase the number of minority engineers, argues a leading educator and counselor of minority students, students must be better prepared to cope with the unfamiliar world of the predominantly white institution. His prescription addresses courses of academic study in elementary, junior high, and high schools; standardized SAT and achievement tests; criteria for realistically assessing the suitability of various schools for the individual; and how to ease the adjustment to the rigid requirements of the institution. A profile of the author's career in education is included.

Subject Headings: School (K-12) | Students | Professional development | Education | Colleges and universities

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