When an Engineer Employee is Wronged

by David Allen, (M.ASCE), Staff Engr.; Kaiser Engrs., Oakland, Calif.,

Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1977, Vol. 47, Issue 4, Pg. 78-79

Document Type: Feature article


The author, as head of an employee association at a large engineering organization, wrote letters to U.S. Senators and Representatives, in an attempt to prevent increased importation of foreign engineers. Goal was to better control supply of engineers, thus hopefully to improve salaries. As a result the author was asked to resign his job, and did. But he appealed to the National Labor Relations Board and won his case through two appeals. He lists NLRB's guidelines as to who NLRB may represent in such hearings. In an editorial comment, he also expresses concern about the people-management problems that he says many large organizations have.

Subject Headings: Organizations | Employees | Legislation | Labor | Employee compensation and benefits

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