Concentric Waste-Treatment Plant Saves Land
by Sterling G. Brisbin, (M.ASCE), Partner; Stearns & Wheler, Cazenovia, N.Y.,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1976, Vol. 46, Issue 2, Pg. 74-77
Document Type: Feature article
An activated-sludge treatment plant in Camden, N.Y. has several innovations: the principal one is the use of concentric tanks�� as distinct from the usual way of having separate, isolated tanks. There are three concentric tanks: the inner tank is the final settling basin; and the two outer tanks are aeration tanks, stirred by Passavant brush aerators. Using concentric tanks allowed the engineers to get the 0.8 mgd plant into a small area. Believed to be the first time this has been done for sewage treatment plants, though the idea has been used extensively for water treatment plants. Another unusual feature: the inner, final settling tank is covered with a geodesic dome, to prevent freezing of sewage during wintertime. Still another innovation is the way effluent leaving the plant is chlorinated for disinfection. At this plant, the contact chamber is a concrete pipe, buried in the ground beneath the frost line, to prevent effluent from freezing.
Subject Headings: Water treatment plants | Wastewater treatment | Concrete pipes | Wastewater treatment plants | Sewage | Innovation | Freezing
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