Learn From Biographies of Early Engineers
by Philip L. Alger, Retired; Formerly, Cons. Engr., General Electric, Babylon, N.Y., and Adjunct Prof., Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y.,Serial Information: Civil Engineering—ASCE, 1975, Vol. 45, Issue 3, Pg. 90-91
Document Type: Feature article
The aim of education is to discover, develop and finally, to apply the student's latent abilities. To accomplish these things, the student first needs to try his hand and his head at all sorts of jobs and activities to find out what he can do and enjoys doing well. Having thus chosen a field of study, he should look about for a place and for teachers that will provide the environment and inspiration to call forth his best efforts. Then the student needs to find a job, gain experience, and locate a mastercraftsman to emulate and hopefully to work for. Reading biographies of great men and women to see how they won success and to imbibe their wisdom is a very helpful aid in getting ahead.
Subject Headings: Students | Field tests | Education
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