A Future for UTPS on Microcomputers

by Thomas Cripps, Orange County/Environmental, Management Agency, United States,
Peter Anderson, Orange County/Environmental, Management Agency, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Microcomputer Applications in Transportation III


The software and hardware support for Micro-UTPS is in a state of transition. IBM's development of the PS/370 gives mainframe power and performance to microcomputers and Micro-UTPS. The PS/Model 30 286 with an AT/370 Option Card installed provides the equivalent processing capability of the former IBM AT/370's. All the benefits of using mainframe compatible U.T.P.S. within the cost effective and interactive PC DOS operating system environment, continue to be available and with greater potential than ever before.

Subject Headings: Computing in civil engineering | Interactive systems | Computers | Computer software | Urban and regional development | Transportation management | Forecasting

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