Dispersal of Dredged Material Disposal Plumes

by John F. Paul, US EPA, Narragansett, RI, USA,
Wayne R. Munns, Jr., US EPA, Narragansett, RI, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Hydraulic Engineering


An empirical model describes dispersal of dredged material disposal plumes in an urban estuary, Central Long Island Sound, during spring of 1983. The model uses in situ current meter data and records of disposal activities. Disposal plumes are assumed to form as sub-pycnocline clouds which have uniform distribution in the vertical and Gaussian in the horizontal. The clouds grow horizontally with a constant diffusion velocity and are transported by measured currents. Results include trajectories of individual disposal plumes and elevations in suspended solids concentrations at specific locations resulting from multiple disposal events.

Subject Headings: Plumes | Dredged materials | Turbidity | Estuaries | Waste disposal | Thermal analysis | Solids flow

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