The Integrated Performance Assessment in SKI Project-90
The SKI Project-90 is a performance assessment of a hypothetical repository system with KBS-3 features in crystalline rock. A large part of the effort has been to identify and characterize...

Drafting of an ISO Standard for Leakage Tests on Packaging for the Transport of Radioactive Material
A working group (TC85/SC5/WG 10) has been formed by ISO for the drafting of an international standard covering the leak testing of radioactive material transport containers. A certain...

Scoping Experimental Analysis of Factors Affecting Cask Contamination Weeping
One issue of particular concern to both the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) involves the control of in-transit 'weeping'...

Being Responsive and Getting the Job Done Right
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Office (YMSCPO) has been given the responsibility for characterization of the potential repository...

Seeking Common Ground: Western Governors and the WIPP Transport Campaign
Nine Western States have engaged the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) to prepare for shipments of nuclear weapons waste. These are shipments of transuranic (TRU) wastes from nuclear weapons...

Historical Overview of Domestic Spent Fuel Shipments?Update
The information in this paper summarizes historic data on spent fuel shipments in the United States. The data are updated periodically to keep abreast of changes. Information on shipments...

An Approach to Assessing the Impacts of Incident-Free Air and Highway Transportation of Radioactive Materials
Annual radiation doses and risks were calculated for shipments of radioactive materials both in passenger aircraft and on highways, under accident-free and incident-free conditions, i.e.,...

Circuitous Routings: Integration of Public Acceptability with Technical and Economic Feasibility
Public acceptance of agency plans for shipment of radioactive wastes to disposal facilities may be critical to efforts to site geologic repositories. Local and state participation in route...

Development of a Pavement Design Expert System
The latest edition of the Guide for Design of Pavement Structures was published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials in 1986. This edition of the Guide...

Getting the Lead Out
When officials from Omaha, Neb. announced an ambitious plan to revitalize an abandoned stretch of land along the Missouri River, the land itself presented one of the biggest problems....

Transportation GIS Applications
The Ala-carte of important Transportation GIS topics we will be discussing are: US Department of Defense's (DOD) Global Positioning System (GPS) US Census Bureau's...

The Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Protection Program and the Baltimore Central Light Rail Line
This paper discusses Maryland's Critical Area Law, statewide guidelines and criteria, the Baltimore Central Light Rail Line, resource conservation areas, and other aspects...

Sediment Impediment to Boat Launching at Miller Park, City of Avon Lake, Ohio
In 1987 a boat launching facility was constructed at Miller Park, in the City of Avon Lake, Lorain County, Ohio (Figure 1). There have been problems with sediment buildup ever since it...

Mississippi River Diversions for Marsh Creation
Large scale, uncontrolled sediment diversions from the Mississippi River are proposed by the Corps of Engineers as a means of creating new marsh and reducing the loss of wetlands. These...

Challenges in Planning and Design of Drainage Facilities for the Orange County Toll Roads
The Orange County Toll Roads project is a program which includes three modern, high-capacity, limited access highways; the Foothill, San Joaquin Hills and Eastern Transportation Corridors....

Reliability of Model Prediction for Pump and Treat Strategies
For the remediation of aqueous phase plumes extending over large areas simulation models are often used to predict the response of the aquifer system and the contaminant concentrations...

Numerical Modeling of Air Bubble Transport in Spillway Flow Downstream from Aerator
A simple numerical model for simulation of air bubble transport in the flow downstream from an aerator is constructed and compared with laboratory experiments. The model consists of two...

Numerical Modeling of Pollutant Transport in Estuaries
A robust numerical solution to the pollutant transport phenomenon in an estuary is presented. The fractional step algorithm is employed to split the physical process into convection step...

State Legislative Concerns Relative to Federal Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulation
States have increasingly asserted their authority to regulate hazardous materials transportation, in the face of inadequate and declining federal efforts. Areas of state interest include...

Risk Management in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods?The Influence of Public Perception A Discussion
In 1988, a fire at Saint-Basile-le-Grand, Quebec involving a PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) warehouse sparked continuing controversy which included a two-week evacuation of residents....





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