Reliance on Structural Controls for Water Supply Protection in Urbanizing Watersheds
The watershed is the source of pollutants which can contaminate the water supply reservoir. It is far preferable to implement an affordable watershed management plan that keeps contaminants...

Water Reuse in Las Colinas, Irving, Texas
The largest urban water reclamation project in Texas that involves reuse of treated wastewater was implemented in July 1987, to provide an economical and drought-free supply of water to...

A Rational Basis for Determining Safety of Containment
Design of waste containment facilities may follow one of three tacts: (1) the liner and cover systems may have prescribed components of predetermined minimum thicknesses and hydraulic...

Effects & Risk Analysis for Time Variable Exposures
The effects of toxicants on organisms in natural settings are a function of both the variations in exposure concentrations and duration of exposure. This paper present analysis procedures...

Study of Direct Potable Reuse of Reclaimed Wastewater: Preliminary Results of a Five Year Study
The City of San Diego, California has received Clean Water Grant funding to build and operate a 0.5 million gallon per day facility to demonstrate a wastewater treatment system, utilizing...

Hueco Bolson Recharge Demonstration Project
The Hueco Bolson Recharge Project in El Paso, Texas, is a unique recharge system, being a full-scale program in operation for 5 years in which municipal sewage is treated to potable quality...

Unmixing Mixed Waste
A thermal treatment process successfully converted sludge classified as hazardous chemical/radioactive mixed waste to low specific activity radioactive waste at the National Guard Armory...

Bio Bonanza?
Bioremediation was used on a portion of the Exxon oil spill, causing the popular press to take notice of the ability of bugs to eat away at oil and, possibly, toxic wastes. The Alaskan...

Vaporizing VOCs
The authors summarize the findings of a study for the Environmental Protection Agency on vapor extraction of volatile organic compounds from soils. The potential for ground water contamination...

Remediating A Fire Site
Machin and Ehresmann describe remediation of a 15 acre fire site at Fort Huachuca, Ariz. An investigation after the fire showed that all of the debris contained asbestos. Sampling confirmed...

Threatened by probable tightening of hazardous-waste legislation, oil companies are searching for ways to dispose of or stabilize oil-drilling byproducts. One way is cementitious stabilization...

Stopping Waste at the Source
Contrary to popular belief, waste reduction at the source, rather than end-of-the-pipe waste treatment may the nation's best approach to the hazardous waste problem. Surprisingly,...

Dispersion Analysis of the Dartmouth, MA Municipal Sewage Outfall Off Salters Point
The water quality impacts of the existing and proposed upgraded Dartmouth, Massachusetts Wastewater Treatment Plant on the Salters Point region of Buzzards Bay were examined through the...

Application of Particle Tracking Model for Ocean Outfall Siting in New Bedford, Massachusetts
PACE, a particle tracking model, was used to assist siting studies for an ocean outfall to be built in conjunction with the City of New Bedford's proposed new secondary wastewater...

Bay-Wide Model Studies for the Boston Ocean Outfall Siting
Oceanographic data and numerical models were used to evaluate candidate diffuser sites to discharge effluent from Boston's planned secondary treatment plant. The study showed...

Water and Sediment Quality Analyses for the New Boston Wastewater Outfall
This paper describes portions of the farfield hydrodynamic and water quality modeling conducted during preparation of the Boston Harbor Wastewater Conveyance System Supplemental Environmental...

Boundary Fitted Estuarine Water Quality Model
A two-dimensional, vertically-averaged boundary fitted coordinate pollutant transport model was developed for application to estuarine and coastal sea regions. The governing convective-diffusion...

Land Management and Water Yield in the Appalachians
Watershed treatments on the Fernow Experimental Forest have included individual tree selection, commercial clearcutting, clearcutting upper and lower halves of watersheds, clearcutting...

Factors Affecting Neutron Gauge Calibration
Neutron gauge characteristics and soil chemistry affect gauge calibration. External factors also influence gauge calibration and should be considered in the calibration procedure. Gauge...

Relationship of Soil Type and Chemicals to the Calibration of Neutron Meters
Theory of neutron scattering and moderation in matter explains many of the characteristics of calibration curves of neutron moisture probes. Characteristics include effect of atomic species...





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