Liquefaction Potential Leads to Dam Reconstruction
Results of a visual inspection of the Dundee Dam conducted in 1982 revealed the presence of seepage on the downstream toe of the left embankment. Subsequent subsurface explorations and...

Dam Safety: A State's Perspective
The State's role in the rehabilitation of dams is discussed. The author presents a national picture of dam safety, describes some dam failure statistics on type of dams that have failed,...

Influence of Early-Age Properties of Shotcrete on Tunnel Construction Sequences
This paper presents a study on influence of the properties of young shotcrete as a tunnel lining on tunnel construction sequences, by a closed-form analytical solution of a circular tunnel....

Sensitivity Analyses for Total-System Performance Assessment
As a follow-on to Sandia's 1991 preliminary total-system performance assessment of the Yuc1ca Mountain site, this paper presents results of some sensitivity analyses that were done using...

Numerical Methods for Fluid Flow in Unsaturated Heterogeneous Tuff
A numerical approach for modeling unsaturated flow is developed for heterogeneous simulations of fractured tuff generated using a geostatistical method. Cross correlations of hydrologic...

Modeling Gas and Brine Migration for Assessing Compliance of the WIPP
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is developing the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southeastern New Mexico as a facility for the long-term disposal of defense-related transuranic...

Testing Models of Flow and Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media
The design of an intermediate-scale flow and transport experiment in an unsaturated porous media is described. This experiment will be conducted a 3-m-diameter by 6-m-long caisson filled...

Carbon Isotopic Data from Test Hole USW UZ-1, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Rock-CO2-gas analyses in test hole USW UZ-1 at Yucca Mountain indicate that gas movement in the unsaturated zone is likely through a dry-fracture...

Carbon-14: Some Evidence of Migration and Experiments on Immobilisation
Carbon-14 that is produced in nuclear reactors by reactions on C, N and O is one of the most biologically dangerous nuclides that are subject to global dispersion (H-3, 85-Kr, 129-I)....

AREST: The Next Generation
Simple mass transport models using constant boundary conditions at the waste form surface and at the host rock boundary do not always results in realistic predictions of the performance...

Containment Barrier System Performance Assessment Modeling
A mathematical model to predict the cumulative failure distribution for the containment barrier system (CBS) employed in a deep geologic disposal facility is presented as a function of...

Maximum Individual Risks from Transported Spent Nuclear Fuel
The computer code TICLD (Transportation Individual Center Line Dose) is used with the computer code RADTRAN 4 to calculate maximum individual dose and risk from transportation accidents...

Operational Considerations in Drift Emplacement of Waste Packages
This paper discusses the operational considerations as well as the advantages and disadvantages of emplacing waste packages in drifts in a repository. The considerations apply particularly...

Waste Packager and Areal Power Density Approximator (WPA3) Computer Code
A microcomputer-based computer code called Waste Packager and Areal Power Density (APD) Approximator (WPA3) has been developed to compute waste package inventories and track individual...

An Assessment of Coupled Thermal-Hydrologic-Mechanical-Chemical Processes
A literature review was conducted to determine the state of knowledge available in the modeling of coupled thermal (T), hydrologic (H), mechanical (M), and chemical (C) processes relevant...

Findings of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board Task Force on Radioactive Waste Management
Secretary of Energy James D. Watkins created the Task Force on Radioactive Waste Management in April 1991. He asked the group then to recommend measures the Department might take to strengthen...

The Role of Fault Zone in Affecting Multiphase Flow at Yucca Mountain
Within Yucca Mountain, the potential High Level Nuclear-Waste Repository site, there are large scale fault zones, most notably the Ghost Dance Fault. The effect of such high-permeability,...

Sensitivity and Probabilistic Analyses of Ground Water Travel Time in a Fractured and Variably-Saturated Geologic Medium
This paper presents a method for sensitivity and probabilistic analyses of performance of a hypothetical nuclear waste repository located in a layered, fractured, and variably-saturated...

Comparison of Predicted Far-Field Temperatures for Discrete and Smeared Heat Sources
A fundamental concern in the design of the potential repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada is the response of the host rock to the emplacement of heat-generating waste. The thermal perturbation...

The Analysis of Repository-Heat-Driven Hydrothermal Flow at Yucca Mountain
To safely and permanently store high-level nuclear waste, the potential Yucca Mountain repository site must mitigate the release and transport of radionuclides for tens of thousands of...





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