Safe Landfilling of Contaminated Dredging Spoil
This paper deals with the assessment of the expected emissions of toxic substances from highly contaminated harbor dredged material. The material in question arises from the canal between...

Decision Analysis of Coal Ash Disposal Technology
Coal-fired power plants produce a number of solid waste streams in the course of their operation. These coal combustion by-products (CCBPs) are composed of fly ash, bottom ash and boiler...

Predicting Ground-Water Drainage to Surface Mines
A two-dimensional, finite-difference numerical model is used to simulate the drainage of ground water into a surface coal mine. Graphs of dimensionless head as a function of dimensionless...

Realistic Hydrology for Basin Management
Several realistic yet simple methods to describe infiltration, soil moisture redistribution, aquifer recharge, canal seepage and stream-aquifer interaction in a river basin are presented...

Modeling Analysis for Management of Artificial Recharge
The objective of these groundwater and sediment modeling studies is to determine the net change in storage and potentiometric levels within the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin resulting...

Leaching Analysis of Coal Mine Spoil Material
Arch Mineral Corporation has conducted a column leaching study to analyze the leaching characteristics of surface coal mine spoil material in order to predict post-mining groundwater quality....

Economics and Groundwater
The increasing use of groundwater has resulted in greater lifts, and coupled with increased energy costs is focusing more attention on the economics of groundwater use. The proceedings...

EPA's New Land Disposal Rules�A Closer Look
Despite some initial enthusiasm for the new EPA regulations on land disposal of hazardous waste, many critics are now expressing concern for the long-term environmental impact. The dependence...

Arizona's Water Strategy: Bring More In and Restrict Its Use
Decades of pumping groundwater faster than the natural rate of replenishment have lowered Arizona's water table to record depths and caused land subsidence and fissures. The...

Environmental Engineering
The purpose of the 1983 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering was to pursue scientific knowledge and promote sound engineering judgement and practice in the solution of...

Advances in Irrigation and Drainage
Surviving External Pressures
This collection of papers, presented at the 1983 ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Specialty Conference held in Jackson, Wyoming, July 20-22, 1983, cover a variety of topics related to irrigation...

Journal of Environmental Engineering
The Journal of Environmental Engineering presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Papers...

Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
The Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering covers all phases of irrigation, drainage, engineering hydrology, and related water management subjects, such as watershed management, weather modification,...

Organic Chemical Fire in Illinois: Emergency Response and Cleanup
In April 1980 at Hillsboro, Illinois, a fire in an agricultural chemical warehouse generated a hazardous smoke plume, and some 250,000 gallons of water used in fighting the fire were highly...

Groundwater Contamination by Chlorinated Hydrocarbons: Causes and Prevention
Groundwater contamination by chlorinated hydrocarbons is becoming a major problem to public water suppliers and private homeowners who have their own wells. The chemical background, composition...

East Bay Waste Management: From Landfill to Park
A balancing act between public interests, government regulations, and a private concern evolved into a total waste-management system for the San Francisco Bay area cities. Civil engineers...

If Your City's Well Water Has Chemical Pollutants, Then What�
Synthetic organic chemicals, especially certain solvents, are showing up in groundwater all over the U.S. and in many other industrial countries as well. These substances, some of which...

Rocky Mountain Arsenal: Landmark Case of Groundwater Polluted by Chemicals
For more than 20 years, the Army's Rocky Mountain Arsenal near Denver has been dealing with groundwater pollution caused by chemical warfare agents and pesticides. The arsenal...

U.S. Water Policy: Putting the Lid on the Pork Barrel
Federal water policy is undergoing a significant change, both in the way projects are developed and approved and in the kinds of water problems addressed. The Congress and the Executive...

Entrenchment of Sewage Sludge�a Disposal-Use Alternative
Entrenchment of sewage sludge is an alternative for the disposal and use of sewage sludge. Its advantages include high disposal rate, little odor problem, and no surface runoff. Two methods...





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