Partnering in Environmental Restoration: The Coastal America Model
The Coastal America Partnership was initiated in 1993 with the underlying principal that collaborative efforts would be more successful than attempting individual agency solutions. To...

Atmospheric Circulation and Snowpack in the Gunnison River Basin
Winter mean 700-millibar height anomalies over the eastern North Pacific Ocean and the western United States are related to variability in snowpack accumulations measured on or about April...

Joint Optimization of Groundwater Remediation and Monitoring
We describe the challenge of devising optimization methods which optimize jointly the remediation and monitoring at a contaminated site. We refer to the dual control method as a promising...

Reoperation of Existing Reservoirs to Serve Changing Needs: Observations on Institutional Inertia, Conflict, and Efficiency
The 'reoperation' of a reservoir system may in some circumstances provide a non-structural alternative for addressing changing water storage needs resulting from population growth or other...

Dam Safety Issues Related to Urban Detention Ponds
Detention ponds located within or adjacent to individual residential developments provide significant benefits by improving water quality and preventing damages from floods up to the design...

Channel Stabilization and Retrofit
In 1990 King County Surface Water Management Division completed the Soos Creek Basin Plan. This basin was one of the most rapidly developing areas in the State of Washington. The goal...

A New Approach to Water Education: Children's Water Festivals
A number of Colorado water agencies, school districts, and municipal utilities have combined efforts recently to coordinate a relatively new concept in water education - Children's Water...

An Interactive Regional Regression Approach to Estimating Flood Quantiles
In Texas, a computer program has been developed which will estimate flood quantiles for an ungaged site based on data from gaging stations with similar watershed characteristics. The user...

A Regional Model of Daily Streamflow for the Northeast United States
A regional flow duration curve (FDC) model is under development which relates daily streamflow at 166 unregulated basins in the northeastern U.S. to watershed and climatic characteristics....

Reducing Discharges from San Francisco to the Bay
The City and County of San Francisco (City) is fairly unique in the west because it has a combined sanitary and storm water system. When the current Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) was completed...

Summer Engineering Outreach Program for Native Americans
Minorities are significantly underrepresented in engineering, science and math fields in the United States. To attract and retain capable minority students will require the development...

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1993
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 158, 1993 contains abstracts for all ASCE journal papers and technical notes,...

Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space IV
This proceedings, Engineering, Construction and Operations in Space IV, consists of over 155 papers presented at Space 94, the Fourth International...

The Job-Order Contracting Solution
A new method of contracting, Job Order Contracting, combines many contracts into one administered by one project team. They are competitively bid, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity,...

OSHA and the Design Professional
Since the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the question of how the role of design professionals - engineers and architects - relate to the safety of a construction...

ASCE Annual Combined Index 1993
The ASCE Annual Index-1993 provides a guide to the material appearing in publications of the American Society of Civil Engineers published during 1993. This includes papers and technical...

A League of Their Own
New baseball stadiums in Cleveland and Arlington, Tex., opening in April 1994, combine the nostalgia of traditional ballparks with state-of-the-art site planning and structural engineering....

Solar Stretch
Extrapolating from structural work with textile or metal membrane roofs to cover silos, assembly halls and sports stadia, Schlaich, Bergermann and Partners, a structural engineering firm...

Circle Integration
Based on the results of proof-of-concept experiments, we propose that an integrated suite of software tools can support both automation and integration of several components of AEC design...

Startplan: Producing Schedule Templates Using IRMA
The Information Reference Model for AEC (IRMA) is a generic information modeling standard to support computer-integrated construction (CIC). Although IRMA is still in a conceptual stage,...





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