Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing: a possible support in 2D modelling of flood propagation
This paper examines some specific aspects regarding the implementation of a 2D mathematical model of flood propagation, namely that of input and output data management. The problems connected...

Combining a 2-D Flood Plain Model with GIS for Flood Delineation and Damage Assessment
This paper describes potential applications of Geographical Information System (GIS) for flood hazard delineation and damage assessment. The hydraulic model simulates both 1-D flood routing...

A Computerized Open Channel Flow Measurement Device
This is a technical information paper with the intention of introducing a new product. It is not the intent of the author to use this as a marketing tool. However, it is the intent to...

Real-Time Data Collection of Scour at Bridges
The record flood on the Mississippi River during the summer of 1993 provided a rare opportunity to collect data on scour of the streambed at bridges and to test data collection equipment...

An Investigation of Turbulence in Open Channel Flow via Three-component Laser Doppler Anemometry
A three-component laser Doppler anemometer is used to reexamine the distribution of single-point mean statistics in a nearly uniform fully-developed 2D turbulent open channel flow of water...

Recent Applications of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
A Broadband acoustic Doppler current profiler (BB-ADCP) is a new instrument being used by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to measure stream discharge and velocities, and bathymetry....

Acoustic-Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) for Laboratory Use
A remote-sensing, three-dimensional (3D) velocity sensor has been developed and tested for use in physical model facilities. The sensor is based on the Acoustic Doppler principle and measures...

LDV System for Towing Tank Applications
The design, construction, testing, and operation of a two-dimensional LDV system for use in a towing tank is described. The primary design considerations were underwater application, minimal...

Experimental Study on Unsteady Flow in Open Channels with Flood Plains
Hydraulic characteristics of unsteady flows were investigated experimentally in open channels with flood plains using a computer-controlled water supply system. Some noticeable features...

Design and Operation of a System to Monitor Sediment Deposition for Protection of an Endangered Mussel
The USGS, in cooperation with the COE, has designed and installed a system to continuously monitor changes in elevation of the river bed over the mussel bed located downstream of the Olmsted...

A Computer-Controlled, Precision Pressure Standard
The operating principles as well as the technical aspects of the implementation of a precision pressure standard are presented here. The instrument can have dual use: either as a pressure...

Observations on the Growth of an Internal Boundary Layer with a Lidar Technique
The distribution of atmospheric water vapor across a step change in surface humidity (dry-wet) was observed by a Lidar measurement technique under neutral atmospheric stability condition....

Reservoir Operation by the Use of an Expert System
Most reservoirs, designed for the purpose of flood control, face operational problems during periods of drought. This study uses five indicators, streamflow, precipitation, temperature,...

Scada System Requirements for Optimum Pumping
In order to minimize the cost of electric energy for pumping water through its distribution system, a computer program was developed to schedule the operation at eight pumping stations...

Effects on River Mechanics Due to Reduction in Low-Season Discharge
India's diversion of water from the Ganges River 11 miles upstream from Bangladesh's western border during the low-flow season seriously adversely affects Bangladesh's irrigated agriculture,...

Contaminant Fate and Transport Model in Pool-and-Riffle Streams
The complex nature of solute transport and transformation processes in natural streams has been investigated using numerical solution of a proposed mathematical model. This model is based...

Multi-Reservoir Systems Optimization by the Aggregation/Decomposition Methodology
Studies on long term optimization of multi-reservoir systems are enhanced by the availability of closed-loop policies as available in Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP). SDP offers a...

GIS Application for Floodplain Analysis and Mapping
Michael Baker Jr., Inc. (Baker) is using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology and fundamental three-dimensional modeling techniques to automate the floodplain analysis and mapping...

GIS-Based Channel Extraction and Smoothing Algorithm for Distributed Hydrologic Modeling
An algorithm is developed to extract dendritic channel networks from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. This algorithm, in conjunction with the GRASS Geographic Information System (GIS),...

Pipe Utility Evaluations With the Aid of GIS
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are starting to be used on a day to day basis to solve community problems and optimize the use of their valuable resources. One engineering application...





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