Hanford Ferrocyanide Reactivity: Effects of Other Tank Constituents
In this study simulated wastes were used to determine the effect of potential waste constituents on the reactivity and explosivity of Hanford ferrocyanide-bearing wastes. Test results...
Corrosion Life-Time Assessment of Carbon Steel and Stainless Alloys for Geological Disposal Facility
The disposal facility for radioactive wastes, requires long-term integrity. Metal is considering to use as the engineered barrier which constructs the outer walls in such a facility, in...
Localized Corrosion Prediction for Nuclear Waste Disposal Container Materials
When the bentonite is used in the geological disposal of high-level wastes as a buffer material to stand between containers and host rocks, thereby turning the pH of the groundwater slightly...
Mine Support, Radiation and Ventilation Control with Spray-on Barriers
The use of spray-on liner agents to provide localized excavation support in place of traditional techniques such as shotcrete or bolts-and-screen has been the subject of extensive investigation....
A Numerical Analysis of Spent Nuclear Fuel Thermal Characteristics
A numerical analysis is presented comparing the thermal behavior of a spent boiling water reactor fuel pin and an electric heating element intended to simulate the fuel pin in an experimental...
Numerically Predicting Horizontally Oriented Spent Fuel Rod Surface Temperatures
A comparison between numerical calculations with use of commercial thermal analysis software packages and experimental data simulating a horizontally oriented spent fuel rod array was...
A Homogeneous Equilibrium Model for Analysis of Spent Fuel Shipping Containers
Transportation of nuclear spent fuel is inevitable over the coming years. However, in order to ensure the safety of such transport, computational models must be established, which are...
Heat Transfer in Vertical Concentric Cylinders in a High Level Nuclear Waste Repository
Modeling free convection heat transfer in an cylindrical annular enclosure is still an active area of research and an important problem to be addressed in the high level nuclear waste...
Robust-Multibarrier Waste Package Thermal Evaluation
One of the key issues to be addressed in developing a successful permanent radioactive waste storage concept is the thermal effect due to the spent nuclear fuel (SNF). The thermal output...
Structure of Crater Flat and Yucca Mountain, Southeastern Nevada, as Inferred from Gravity Data
Existing gravity data in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain and Crater Flat have been examined to determine if these data support only the caldera model or if they support other geologic models...
Geometric Analyses of Alternative Models of Faulting at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Realistic cross section tectonic models must be retrodeformable to geologically reasonable pre-deformation states. Furthermore, it must be shown that geologic structures depicted on cross...
Detachment Faults?Regulatory Implications for the Yucca Mountain Site
Site characterization investigations at the Yucca Mountain site, Nye County, Nevada consist of a combination of scientific data collection and analyses, and compliance with regulatory...
Seismic Reflection Profiling: Essential Geophysical Data for Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, consists of a thick sequence of ashflow tuffs and lavas fractured into intact blocks with east-dipping strata, marginal broken zones characterized by dense faulting...
Geophycal Investigations of Buried Volcanic Centers Near Yucca Mountain, Southwest Nevada
Several aeromagnetic dipolar anomalies occur over flat, alluvial areas near Yucca Mountain that resemble anomalies typically associated with subaerial basaltic volcanic centers. Detailed...
Characterization of Porosity in Support of Mechanical Property Analysis
Previous laboratory investigations of tuff have shown that porosity has a dominant, general effect on mechanical properties. As a result, it is very important for the interpretation of...
Large-Scale in Situ Heater Tests for Hydrothermal Characterization at Yucca Mountain
To safely and permanently store high-level nuclear waste, the potential Yucca Mountain repository site must mitigate the release and transport of radionuclides for tens of thousands of...
Micromechanics of Deformation in Topopah Spring Tuff, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Samples of Topopah Spring tuff from Yucca Mountain, Nevada have been tested and analyzed. Laboratory tests conducted include standard uniaxial and triaxial compression tests, and special...
Core and Reaming Bit Studies in Yucca Mountain Tuffs
The Site Characterization Project is a major part of the work in determining the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a potential high level waste repository. Over 100 exploratory drill holes...
Fear of Permanence: The Challenge of Siting Interim Facilities
This paper examines an increasingly urgent and surprisingly difficult task: siting potentially hazardous facilities that are intended to operate for a limited period, such as a Monitored...
Managing Nuclear Waste: Social and Economic Impacts
Recent research has focused on perceptions of risk as a dominant source of economic impacts due to siting a high level radioactive waste facility. This article addresses the social and...
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