Operational Planning in a Consulting Firm
What becomes of a firm that strives concurrently to meet the changing needs of the marketplace, remain up-to-date in technology and technique, and achieve a comfortable profit margin?...

Planning and Budgets in the Construction Industry
In the ever changing and volatile construction industry it is becoming more necessary for the General Contractor and major subcontractors to become businessmen as well as engineers. This...

Manpower Planning?Make a Moral Contract
One key to manpower planning is forecasting realistic and accurate manhour projections for work in-house or work in the proposal stage. A method used by the author to project manhours...

Manpower Planning for Construction Administration
Manpower planning is an important aspect of any organization, but is particularly difficult in an activity subject to as many variables as highway construction. This paper outlines a process...

Business Determinants of Project Planning: An Owner's Perspective
Within a major corporation, planning of capital facilities projects is a never-ending process. It is a major element in the control of cash flow of the corporation. The major concern was...

Business Planning for Engineering Projects
Fluor Engineers is a full-service international engineering firm serving the process and energy industries. In conjunction with other Fluor subsidiaries, Daniel Constructors and Fluor...

Integration of Project & Business Planning
An annual business plan is an important document. The process of developing a long term strategy and the concrete action plan necessary for its implementation involves management analysis...

Business Planning and Project Implications
Frequent change and unfamiliar conditions in design and construction markets now force greater attention to business planning. New approaches are required to win and successfully complete...

Professional Training Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO)
Training of professionals within the Generating Engineering and Construction Group at the Potomac Electric Power Company is most intensive right after hiring but continues to the executive...

Training Programs for Engineering Consulting Firms
Engineering consulting firms heavily use and support in-house training programs. The objectives of these training programs are to: (1) supplement the graduate engineer's educational...

In-House Training Program at J. A. Jones Construction Services Company
This paper offers an overview of the training provided by a construction company located at Hanford, Washington. It posits that attention to the training development of the individual...

Traffic Barriers: A Second Chance
More motorists are killed each year after striking traffic barriers than any other fixed object except utility poles and trees. These deaths occur primarily because the guardrail or bridge...

Enhancing Highway Safety Through 3R Construction
The safety improvement programs specifically aimed at correcting high accident locations (HALs) are certainly helpful. These programs have resulted in sizeable frequency as well as severity...

Non-Freeway Programwide 3R Accident Analysis: New York
The New York Program for restoration, rehabilitation and resurfacing (3R's) has relied on broad scoped projects and case-by-case consideration of exceptions to design standards...

RRR Design Standards: Cost-Effectiveness Issues
The Transportation Research Board study of geometric design standards for RRR projects is currently trying to match the logic of cost-effectiveness to the mostly judgmental process of...

Sighting Safety
This paper examines the interrelation between drivers' visual needs and the road environment. Specific elements of visual limitation and drivers at greatest risk are identified....

Location and Development of Safety Projects
Projects to be considered for inclusion in the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) must be part of a prioritized listing in which each project is based on accident experience or...

Evaluation?A Key to Safer Design Standards
Public highways are designed and constructed in accordance with established standards which have been developed over the years as a result of research studies or developed by committees...

A Salt Solution for Nuclear Wastes
The Department of Energy's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Southeastern New Mexico is the nation's first full-scale facility for disposing of radioactive waste...

Fire on the Water
Incineration is a promising hazardous waste disposal technique. However, nobody wants an incinerator constructed near him, so waste handlers are considering burning hazardous wastes at...





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